New features
Add meta-GGA functionals!
Use all meta-GGAs that don't need a Laplacian from Libxc using pylibxc or PySCF
Improved minimizer
Add new auto minimizer that functions like pccg but can fallback to sd steps
Add Dai-Yuan conjugate-gradient form
Fancier-looking output from the minimizer
Option to converge the gradient norm
Print <S^2> after an unrestricted calculation
Add eigenenergies to the debug output
Improved file viewer
Support PDB files
Allow usage outside of notebooks
Updated docs
Update the introduction page in the documentation
Upload the HTML coverage report
Coding style
Simplify H function
Simplify minimizer module
Reduce McCabe code complexity
Switch linter from flake8 to Ruff
Comply with different linting rules, e.g., use triple-quotes in docstrings
More tests and more coverage
Performance fix by using precomputed values correctly
Improve GGA performance
Do an unpaired calculation automatically if the system is unpaired
Option to use a symmetric initial guess, i.e., the same guess for both spin channels
Add trajectory keyword to XYZ and PDB writer to append geometries
Read the field data from CUBE files
New functions for the
Electron localization function (ELF)
Positive-definite kinetic energy density
Reduced density gradient
Expectation value of S^2 and the multiplicity calculated from it
Option to set a path to directories containing GTH pseudopotential files
The SCF class now contains the xc_type and is_converged variables
Support functional parsing using pylibxc
Allow using custom densities when using the atoms viewer
Remove Gaussian initial guess
Remove exc_only keyword from functionals since it was basically unused
Fix GTH files not being installed when using the PyPI version
Fix mapping of field entries with the respective real-space coordinate
Fix GGA SIC evaluation
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