Webe Sushi is a fun project combining two different skills I have cultivated over the years: Sushi Chef and Web Developer.
Webe sushi is a Full-stack web application for a Pickup/Togo sushi restaurant featuring all menu made by me. I had tons of fun building this project. Please let me know if you have any constructive feedback for my web-app. Enjoy!
disclaimer: This is not an actual restaurant. All sushi made by William Benarto, pictures taken by Jin Choi, logo Nav bar designed by Alfian Laurens.
Visit my site: (https://polar-cliffs-38995.herokuapp.com/)
LinkedIn: (https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-benarto/)
Portfolio: (https://wbenarto.github.io/Portfolio-WB/)
- Javascript
- React
- Redux
- MongoDb
- Node.js
- Express.js