Moles (CSS JS) Background Image (CSS) Cursor/hammer (CSS JS) Total Points variable (JS) Game Timer (JS)
Start Game Mole to hide and show, within the time set OnClick function when mole is hit Random Pop up for mole
[Yes] Let (Creates variables that allows you to change/update values.) [wb-yes] Const (Creates constant variables and will not be able to be manipulated and create bugs.) X [wb-yes] Var (Older way of writing variables. ) [x] Div [x] Html
const ingredient = "Cheese";
function printIndomie(str) { console.log(str) console.log("I love indomie"); }
- Function Declaration
- Function Name
- Function Arguments
- Function Code blocks
printIndomie("tania") printIndomie()
'tania' 'I love indomie'
'I love indomie'
4. Create a function that takes a String argument and prints that argument in the console. (8 points)
function printString(string argument) { console.log("string argument"); }
Correct answer: function printString(str) { console.log(str); }
You can use inline script tags, external script files, event handlers, and dom manipulation.
- Inline script tags are when you add JavaScript in your HTML file.
- External script files are when you add JavaScript code in an external file and link it.
- Event handlers are to run JavaScript lines of code as a result of a user's choice of action.
- DOM manipulation is when you use the JavaScript with the HTML file after its loaded.
The difference between id and class in HTML is that you use an period sign for classes and a hashtag for ids. Id is also used for individual things while class is used for things used multiple times.
You can use animations and url image links.
wb: Inline Styling and External Page
#basketball { color: orange; }
.cards { border: dotted; color: red; length: 10px; height: 50px; }