This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
- removed old imports - not satisfied with icons yet, removed them (and also updated readme) - added free icons from flaticon for now (will create custom ones later) - added comment - improved error handling in generateResponse + generateStreamedResponse - improved error handling in storage - added confirmation for importing data (irreversible) - updated changelog - added searchBarPlaceholders - improved token creation instructions - added to readme - updated deps - changed extension icon to png - added assistant context to messages (to prevent redundant responses) - import/export data workingg - added file-type validation - promisified export data - fixed bugs for no selected folder - auto-open in finder - successfully exporting data - Create LICENSE - chores - added hugging fact extension icon - renamed extension - refactored update in useConversations - refactored update in useModels - added disclaimer for updating models - able to update models now, but dropdown value is incorrect - somewhat abandoned ai-description, but fixed recent-questions in conversations - added non-stream response boilerplate and updated types - added word count - fixed question ordering - fixed abortControlled reset bug - integrated AbortController to stop web-stream (really cool feature) - fixed streaming bug (on esc) - renamed files to kebab-case - Merge pull request raycast#6 from wderocco8/feat/custom-models - added selectedModelId (not updating ui though???) - updated pr template - removed markdown label - added link to hf model - added model detail and delete - rendered metadata with model information - holy cow models are working in ask-question wohoo - model creation set up - added boilerplate for useModels - renamed chat to ask-question - added toggle - added some metadata (with toggle) - added copy action - added empty state for conversations - refactored converations ActionPanels for organization - put bandaid on bug (potentially a Raycast issue) - added empty state images - swapped comments - cleanup - fixed duplicate question bug with Rich Text Input (still has performance bug though) - added delete question functionality - rich text input working (some minor bugs) - added boilerplate for isAskingQuestion (to be fixed...) - added delete convo confirmation - added new convo functionality - added refresh to useQuestions to ensure conversations get latest data - added refresh mechanism - some pretty significant refactors to how useConversations is handled (mainly abandoning functional setData in order to properly await saveToLocalStorage - removed markdown header (maybe will bring back, it looks overwhelming tho) - conversations enriched with questions in hook - cleaned types a bit - remove all questions by conversation implemented - added metadata to conversations detail - added sorting to convos - added new command for viewing conversations - successfully created conversation - Merge pull request raycast#5 from wderocco8/refactor/generate-response-conversation - cleared question on submit - Merge pull request raycast#4 from wderocco8/refactor/generate-response-conversation - filtered questions up until questionId - fixed questions to filter by matching convo - added dot for to track isStreaming - Merge pull request raycast#3 from wderocco8/feat/multiple-questions - holy somehow things are finally coming together (streaming properly integrated with multiple questions) - still broken, but better stopping point - selectedQuestionId is synced (but has weird issue on submit) - fixed bug with searchQuestion - Merge pull request raycast#2 from wderocco8/refactor/ui-chat-form - good stopping point (can ask questions, just can\'t see results respectively - can ask questions again now - more refactoreds to initializing questions and data handling - refactored questions - updated eslint and refactored conversatons - added hook for conversations and installed uuid: - refactored useQuestions a bit - added boilerplate for questions hook - started wroking on SQL integration - actions panel is WORKING yuh yuh yuh - making some refactors (action panel won\'t show up?) - initial refactors -> moved chat to AskQuestionForm - renamed ouptu - added loading states with toasts - added form validation - Merge pull request raycast#1 from wderocco8/feat/stream-chat-completion - added PR template - STREAM AND CHAT are BOTH working 🌝 - refactoring approach (was accidentally using text-generation instead of chat-completion) - able to interact with chat using raycast form - stream finally working 🙏 - made some stream progress.. - new approach - stream still not working 🥲 - hugging face chatCompletion working (without stream) - added boilerplate for chat command - initialized repo
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