HA Wechaty is a Load Balance for providing High Availability for Wechaty Chatbot by spreading requests across multiple WeChat individual accounts.
One two three, chatbots team up!
How to delivering high levels of SLA uptime?
We have serval issues when we providing a Chatbot service, like:
- Single Point Of Failure (SPOF)
- Heartbeat & Keepalive
Currently we have only one bot on WeChat, which means that if the bot was offline, then our service will be stopped.
Use two (3 or even 4 will be better) WeChat bot at the same time, with the different wechaty-puppet providers (for example: padlocal + windows).
So when an issue event has come, we can use a RR (round robin) or other very easy to implementing algorithm to make our service both load-balancable and high-available.
When a Wechaty bot is started and logged in, it is mostly liked to be work as expected for sending/receiving messages.
However, sometimes it might run into trouble for some unknown reason, which caused it can not work anymore, but we have nothing to know about that.
In order to check whether a Wechaty bot is available, we need to take a test on it to see if it can send & receive the message successfully.
How can archive that? It is not a good idea if we send a message to another Wechaty bot because it is not stable enough for this kind of online service.
We can set up an Official Account for WeChat, with an auto-responding strategy that will reply a dong
when it receives a ding
So we let our Chatie Official Account takes the responsibility to provide this service.
If you want to use HAProxy, please make sure every bot account has followed the ChatieIO
WeChat Official Account by scanning the above QR Code.
import { HAWechaty } from 'ha-wechaty'
import { Wechaty } from 'wechaty'
const wechaty1 = new Wechaty({
puppet: 'wechaty-puppet-service',
puppetOptions: {
token: 'puppet-service-token'
const wechaty2 = new Wechaty({
puppet: 'wechaty-puppet-padlocal',
puppetOptions: {
token: 'padlocal-token'
// 1. Configure HAWechaty
const haWechaty = configureHa()
// 2. Add Wechaty instances to HA
haWechaty.add(wechaty1, wechaty2)
// 3. Start HA
await haWechaty.start()
// 4. Find room by our bots
const room = await haWechaty.Room.find({ topic: 'ding room' })
if (room) {
// 5. Send message to room with load balancing and high availabilities
await room.say('ding')
The wechaty puppet list, seprated by a colon (:
export HA_WECHATY_PUPPET=wechaty-puppet-service:wechaty-puppet-padlocal
Wechaty Puppet Service Tokens that required by the puppets.
This is a token list, seprated by a colon (:
), map to each puppet from HA_WECHATY_PUPPET
Leave it empty if a puppet does not require a token.
The token set to this environment variable will become the default value of puppetOptions.token
when instantiating Wechaty.
To specify more tokens for a specific puppet, use a colon (:
) to separate them, for example:
export HA_WECHATY_PUPPET_TOKEN=token_1:token_2
npm run redux-devtools
See issue: Backoff straitegy #2
- Googl Cloud - Truncated exponential backoff
- Power of RxJS when using exponential backoff
- GRPC Connection Backoff Protocol
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- Testing RxJS Code with Marble Diagrams
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- Change
for easy understanding and prevent mis-configuration.
- Work with Ducks
- High-available logics managed by RxJS (redux-observable epics)
- Redux example at examples/redux-ducks-bot/
- Ding Dong Bot example at examples/ding-dong-bot.ts
This module was originally design for the project OSSChat #58
- Publish the NPM module ha-wechaty
Huan LI (李卓桓) [email protected]
- Code & Docs © 2020 Huan LI <[email protected]>
- Code released under the Apache-2.0 License
- Docs released under Creative Commons