A utility for using namespaced slices, similar to what you'd get with combineReducers
in Redux, for use with Zustand.
For example:
import create from 'zustand';
import { devtools } 'zustand/middleware';
import { slice } from 'zustand-slice';
import { type FishState, createFishSlice } from './fish';
import { type BearState, createBearSlice } from './bears';
interface AppState {
fish: FishState;
bears: BearState;
const useAppStore = create(
(set, get, api) => {
const createSlice = slice(set, get, api);
return {
fish: createSlice<'fish'>('fish', createFishSlice),
bears: createSlice<'bears'>('bears', createBearSlice),
export const useBears = () => {
return useAppStore(s => s.bears);
export const useFish = () => {
return useAppState(s => s.fish);
import { type CreateSlice } from 'zustand-slice';
export interface FishState {
population: number;
increasePopulation: VoidFunction;
export const createFishSlice: CreateSlice<FishState> = (set, get) => {
return {
population: 0,
// you can pass a string to label the call in Redux Dev Tools.
// This will show up as `fish.increasePopulation` in the action list
increasePopulation: () => set({ population: get().population + 1 }, 'increasePopulation')
import { type CreateSlice } from 'zustand-slice';
export interface BearState {
population: number;
increasePopulation: VoidFunction;
export const createBearSlice: CreateSlice<BearState> = (set, get) => {
return {
population: 0,
// This will show up as `bear.set` in the action list
increasePopulation: () => set({ population: get().population + 1 })
interface SliceConfig {
* 1. `false`: calls to `set` will not be logged
* 2. `type`: logs the `<slice name>.<type = set>`
* 3. `all`: logs { type: `<slice name>.<type>`, payload: <args>`
* Defaults to `all`
logCalls?: false | 'type' | 'all';