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Weichu's yak-shaving dotfiles


Homebrew installation:

  1. Download and install Command Line Tools
  2. Install Homebrew

Link dotfiles

# Clone git to ~/work/dots
$ cd ~
$ mkdir work
$ ( cd work && git clone )

# Link files to homedir
$ for dotfile in bash_profile \
                gitconfig \
                gitignore_global \
                inputrc \
                gemrc \
                vimrc \
                curlrc ; do
    ln -s ~/work/dots/${dotfile} ~/.${dotfile}
unset dotfile

# Set git user
$ git config --global #<>
$ git config --global #<>

Configure iTerm2

This repository works with iTerm2 + bash 4.x environment bash 4.x should be installed by Homebrew and be set as default login shell:

  1. brew install bash
  2. iTerm2: Profiles -> General -> Command -> Commands set to /usr/local/bin/bash --login

The inputrc works with iTerm2's xterm Key Mappings:

  • iTerm2: Profiles -> Keys -> Load Preset... select xterm with Numeric Keypad



/path/to/dots/bin is appended to PATH to use some homemade handy commands:

  • google: quick google/I_am_feeling_lucky from terminal. Run alias | grep google to see some google shortcuts
  • shelloverflow: aliases as soso, is a how2/socli ish command (but much nicer) by @weichuliu. Prints highlighted stackoverflow solution on terminal. Perfect for stackoverflow oriented programming
    • This requires some additional python libraries you need to manually install with pip3

iTerm2 Shell Integration Script

iterm2_shell_integration is automatically loaded from dots directory, for convenience

Awesome Secret Shortcuts

There are two convenient keybindings:

  • C-x c will copy the current command line buffer into pasteboard.
  • C-x p will auto join current pasteboard and insert to command line buffer.
  • C-x e will expand the current command into its result, similar to built-in Ctrl-Alt-e


The bash-completion@2 claims to be a faster and better debian bash-completion and this repository supports it. To use bash-completion@2, just brew uninstall bash-completion; brew install bash-completion@2

pyenv and rbenv

Dotfiles expects you use pyenv/rbenv to manage Python/Ruby versions. They are installed by Homebrew, while actual Python/Ruby packages/libraries should be installed and managed manually using these two commands

IPython 5.0+ "Option(Alt) + Arrows"

If you are using ipython and find Option(Alt) + Up/Down/Left/Right throwing [1;9A ish code, do the following:

dots $ ln -s "$(pwd)/" ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/

to have ipython correctly bind the sequence to word jump / history search

GNU grep

I tended not to use GNU tools e.g. coreutils mixed with BSD tools brought by macOS, because it may introduce confusing behaviors.

However I encountered a shocking behavior in macOS version grep which is fixed in latest GNU version. So I decided to switch to ggrep. GNU grep is installed by Homebrew and is aliased as grep here.

Other files

  • brew_list: Softwares I installed with Homebrew
  • sublime-settings: Sublime Settings (paste them in "Preference: Settings")
  • sublime-keymap: Sublime macOS keymap, fixes Option key functions (paste them in "Preference: Key Bindings")
  • ssh_config: If you want, you can link it to ~/.ssh/config
  • ssh_config_vagrant: linked from ~/.ssh/config.d/vagrant, to work with focal box


You know, dot files







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