Here the scripts are used in the paper "Improving and correcting the contiguity of long-read genome assemblies of three plant species using optical mapping and chromatin conformation capture data".
These scripts are used to do genome assembly scaffolding in three ways:
scaffolding using optical consensus maps and PacBio read assembly contigs from Falcon and PBcR
scaffolding using Dovetail Hi-C reads and PacBio read assembly contigs from Falcon and PBcR
scaffolding using optical consensus maps, Dovetail Hi-C reads and PacBio read assembly contigs from Falcon and PBcR
Perl(version >5.10); Bioperl
IrysSolve scripts
BLAST (makeblastdb, blastn)
HiRise (
Python 3
BWA (version: 0.7.15-r1140)
samtools (version:1.2)
samblaster (
Meraculous (
Please read the "" and "" in each scaffolding worflow