this is a mcu daughterboard used for some keyboards from the orthocade series, namely Dig Dug, Brk Out and Froggr.
production files can be found here. The cases are designed for 1.2mm pcbs, but also work with 1.6mm pcbs without problems.
You will need the following parts to build one:
1x capacitor - 0805 - 100nF
3x resistor - 0805 - 10kOhm
1x PCA9555 or TCA9555 IO-Expander
1x 20pin 0.5mm pitch FCC/FCP Connector
1x either Seeed Xiao RP2040 or Seeed Xiao BLE controller
optionally if you want to use BLE w/ battery:
- 1x battery connectro 2pin Molex Pico Blade
- 1x on/off switch MSK-12C02
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