Important node: v3.0.0 breaks compatibility, see History below
Before anything, you need to register for free on
The 'jsclient' can be used both from node.js or from a web browser. It's written in Coffee-script, then compiled to javascript with Browserify and optionnally minified to a mere 20kB, less than 5kB after gzip compression.
Note: This client is not feature complete yet. It implements the latest API. Feel free to submit bug reports and/or pull requests.
You can read more about concepts and data model on API Wiki.
After cloning this repository, you can use npm install
to grab dependencies (with node.js installed).
Coffee-script sources live in /src
while the compiled JS is in /lib
npm run build:browser
will compile the Coffee-script sources to /lib/bundle.js
and /lib/bundle.min.js
npm run build:node
builds the node version of the module.
You need a single JS script, /lib/bundle.js
, which inlines superagent
, the only dependency.
Then you can use the Clan class as a starting point. See /lib/example.html for a basic example.
The sample app resides in ./sample
. You can use npm install
to install an HTTP server to serve
the static assets, and npm start
to start it.
Then browse to
added :sendResetMailPassword
: if an account with email lost the password, it can be resetted with this methodloginWithShortCode
: a user having a shortcode from email can login with this methodresumeSession
: prevouisly stored (gamer_id, gamer_secret) could be used to log againmatch.move
: param osn added (was supposed to be inside themove
json in previous version), no change to do, just user the version you prefer.
v3.0.0 changed API to gamer vfs: you get exactly what you set (Set a json string, get a json string, not an object like in v2)2016/06/10
added : game vfs, matches2016/06/11
added : indexes2016/06/13
added : kv store2016/06/15
fixed : superagent back to version 1.2.0 as 2.0.0 as double callbakc problems... allowing to pass endpoint (sandbox, prod) at setup whitout changing the prefixer...
- documentation for classes, usage, params and returned JSON... and errors too
- package client and server lib separately