Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ::PP - Pure perl AMQP client for RabbitMQ
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use Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ::PP;
my $connection = Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ::PP->new();
payload => "Foo",
routing_key => "",
Like Net::RabbitMQ but pure perl rather than a wrapper around librabbitmq.
A list of methods with their default arguments (undef = no default)
Loads the AMQP protocol definition, primarily. Will not be an active connection until ->connect is called.
my $mq = Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ::PP->new;
Connect to the server. Default arguments are show below:
host => "localhost",
port => 5672,
timeout => undef,
username => 'guest',
password => 'guest',
virtualhost => '/',
heartbeat => undef,
Disconnects from the server
Set a keep alive poller. Note: requires Socket::Linux
idle => $secs, # time between last meaningful packet and first keep alive
count => $n, # number of failures to allow,
interval => $secs, # time between keep alives
Receive the nextframe
my $rv = $mq->receive;
Content or $rv will look something like:
payload => $str,
content_header_frame => Net::AMQP::Frame::Header,
delivery_frame => Net::AMQP::Frame::Method,
Open the given channel:
$mq->channel_open( channel => undef );
Instantiate an exchange with a previously opened channel:
channel => undef,
exchange => undef,
exchange_type => undef,
passive => undef,
durable => undef,
auto_delete => undef,
internal => undef,
alternate_exchange => undef,
Delete a previously instantiated exchange
channel => undef,
exchange => undef,
if_unused => undef,
channel => undef,
queue => undef,
exclusive => undef,
passive => undef,
durable => undef,
auto_delete => undef,
expires => undef,
message_ttl => undef,
channel => undef,
queue => undef,
exchange => undef,
routing_key => undef,
headers => {},
x_match => undef,
channel => undef,
queue => undef,
if_empty => undef,
if_unused => undef,
channel => undef,
queue => undef,
exchange => undef,
routing_key => undef,
headers => {},
x_match => undef,
channel => undef,
queue => undef,
channel => undef,
delivery_tag => undef,
multiple => undef,
callback => undef,
channel => undef,
queue => undef,
consumer_tag => undef,
channel => undef,
queue => undef,
no_ack => undef,
channel => undef,
payload => undef,
exchange => undef,
routing_key => undef,
mandatory => undef,
immediate => undef,
props => {
content_type => undef,
content_encoding => undef,
headers => undef,
delivery_mode => undef,
priority => undef,
correlation_id => undef,
reply_to => undef,
expiration => undef,
message_id => undef,
timestamp => undef,
type => undef,
user_id => undef,
app_id => undef,
cluster_id => undef,
channel => undef,
queue => undef,
consumer_tag => undef,
exclusive => undef,
no_ack => undef,
channel => undef,
delivery_tag => undef,
requeue => undef,
channel => undef,
global => undef,
prefetch_count => undef,
prefetch_size => undef,
All take channel => $channel as args.
Please report all bugs to the issue tracker on github.
One known limitation is that we cannot automatically send heartbeat frames in a useful way.
A caveat is that I (LEEJO) didn't write this, I just volunteered to take over maintenance and upload to CPAN since it is used in our stack. So i apologize for the poor documentation. Have a look at the tests if any of the documentation is not clear.
Another caveat is that the tests require to be of any use, they used to default to but that is currently MIA. If MQHOST is not set they will be skipped.
Use the issue tracker on github to reach out for support.
Eugene Marcotte
[email protected]
Current maintainer:
Ben Kaufman
Copyright 2013 Eugene Marcotte
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.