Basic Docker image to run haproxy as client to connect the server with mutual auth
You need edit (add) this env:
LISTENPORT: 80 or other port value
MODE: mode tcp or http
CERTIFICATE: server certificate file name placed as volume in path /usr/local/etc/haproxy/certs/ (optional)
DEFAULT: define default backend
RETRIES: define number of retries to perform on a server after a connection failure (optional - default 3)
LOGFORMAT: define custom log format, ex
"%Ci [%t] %b %hr %r %ST %B %Tr"
(optional) -
CA: server trusted ca file name placed as volume in path /usr/local/etc/haproxy/certs/ (optional)
VERIFY: if you enabled CA you should provide verify option
BACKEND_1_ADDRESS: backend address
BACKEND_1_PORT: backend port
BACKEND_1_ACL: acr rule like "hdr_dom(server) -i BACKEND_1"
BACKEND_1_CERTIFICATE: backend client certificate file name placed as volume in path /usr/local/etc/haproxy/certs/ (optional)
BACKEND_1_REQIREP: reqirep (optional)
RESOLVER_1_VALUE: dns domain (optional)
LOGGING: enabled if we want to enable rsyslog logging (optional)
PRINT_CONFIG: print config files on startup (optional)
You also need to mount folder with client certificates to /usr/local/etc/haproxy/certs/
docker run --name haproxy -d -v /path/to/certs/:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/certs/ -e LISTENPORT=80 -e BACKEND_1_ACL="hdr_dom(server) -i BACKEND_1" -e -e BACKEND_1_PORT=443 -e BACKEND_1_CERTIFICATE=my-server.crt oberthur/docker-haproxy