alias dotfiles="$(which git) --git-dir='$HOME/.dotfiles' --work-tree='$HOME'"
git clone --bare <repo-clone-url> $HOME/.dotfiles
dotfiles checkout
dotfiles submodule update --init --recursive
echo alias dotfiles="$(which git) --git-dir='$HOME/.dotfiles' --work-tree='$HOME'" >> ~/.bashrc
git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
Available from:
Recommended to install into your local prefix if it is not available in your repos and prefixing the name with a u
to prevent colliding. This can be done with ./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local --program-prefix=u
Available from:
Can be installed easil with cargo xtask install --server
which places it into ~/.cargo/bin. Alternatively, build it manually and install it into ~/.local/bin
Requires clang, clang++, clangd, and clang-format be installed. clangd will automatically give lint suggestions if compile_commands.json is present in the top level directory. If using cmake it is suggested to symlink build_commands.json to _build/build_commands.json. clang-format will attempt to use a .clang-format file in the current directory. To use the LLVM default remove the ale_c_clangformat_options key from ftplugin/cpp.vim
On some distributions clang is provided with versioned names (i.e. clang++-12) but these scripts assume these binaries are unversioned names. To address this create links for clang/clang++/clang-format.
Requires shellcheck
Once you have checked out or created a repo it can be used exactly like any other git repo except through the dotfiles
alias. For instace dotfiles add .vimrc && dotfiles commit
It is advisable to ignore files by default to keep the git information clean and simple. dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no