Map gets data on world power plants from Enipedia.
App requires a in root containing the following in order to save and display data:
import os
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key here'
dbhost = 'your dbhost here'
dbname = 'your dbname here'
dbuser = 'your dbuser here'
dbpass = 'your dbpass here'
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://' + dbuser + ':' + dbpass + '@' + dbhost + '/' + dbname
baseurl = 'your base url here with trailing slash'
markersurl = baseurl + 'static/img/markers/'
apppath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/app/'
markerspath = apppath + 'static/img/markers/'
- This scrapes wikipedia pages to get the world power plants data. Currently this functionality is unused as data is accessed directly via Enipedia
- List of current data sources included is in pageimporter/
- To check all sources and update them if they've changed run ./ update
- To force update of one or many sources run ./ args where args can be 'all', or one or more country ids (from the PageImporter.pages dictionary)
To be built. Will import data from Enipedia into a local database to improve app response time.
- In order to be upgraded to python3, sqlalchemy will need to be replaced with something else or the configuration will need to be modified, as python-mysql, which it currently relies on, doesn't work with python3