See how your taste in music has changed over the years through graphs!
Based on the following parameters:
- Popularity
- Danceability
- Energy
- Key
- Loudness
- Speechiness
- Acousticness
- Instrumentalness
- Liveness
- Valence
- Tempo
- Duration (Milliseconds)
- First, star and clone this repository (Please 🥹):
git clone
- Install the requirements:
cd Spotify-statistics-generator && pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up your spotify integration (You can see more about it on the Spotify docs):
spotifyClient = spotipy.Spotify(
client_id="Your client ID here",
client_secret="Your client secret here",
redirect_uri="Your redirect URI here",
scope="Your app scope here"
- Run the script and follow the instructions provided: