- Laravel Jetstream
- Vue.js + Inertia
- Tailwind CSS + DaisyUI
This template is based on opinions that I like
- Laravel Jetstream handles Auth and Team management, only focus on your app business logic.
- Vue.js + Inertia avoids full page reloads and delivers minimum overhead to the backend while syntax changes is keep minimum compared to React or Svelte.
- DaisyUI avoids writing custom components. You just need to follow official documentation to implement things!
The Jetstream to DaisyUI component conversion and Homepage is WIP.
The Laravel Jetstream has optional features that we also support:
- Terms and Privacy Pages
- Profile Photos
- API Token Management
- Teams Management
- Account Deletion
- Blog and Markdown Editor *
- Cart, Payments and PDF Export *
The optional features can be toggled in jetstream.php
* Custom and WIP.