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feat: Enable running end to end automation on Android PR (WPB-9676) (#…
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mythsunwind authored Jul 4, 2024
1 parent 29894a8 commit fe9a078
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 116 deletions.
204 changes: 88 additions & 116 deletions Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,146 +1,118 @@
List<String> defineFlavor() {
//check if the pipeline has the custom flavor env variable set
def overwrite = env.CUSTOM_FLAVOR
if (overwrite != null) {
return overwrite

def branchName = env.BRANCH_NAME

if (branchName == "main") {
return ['Beta']
} else if (branchName == "develop") {
return ['Staging', 'Dev']
} else if (branchName == "prod") {
return ['Prod', 'Fdroid']
} else if (branchName == "internal") {
return ['Internal']
return ['Staging']

String defineBuildType(String flavor) {
def overwrite = env.CUSTOM_BUILD_TYPE
if (overwrite != null) {
return overwrite

// internal is used for wire beta builds
if (flavor == 'Beta') {
return 'Release'
} else if (flavor == 'Prod' || flavor == 'Fdroid') {
return "Compatrelease"
// use the scala client signing keys for testing upgrades.
return "Compat"

String shellQuote(String s) {
// Quote a string so it's suitable to pass to the shell
return "'" + s.replaceAll("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'"

def postGithubComment(String changeId, String body) {
def authHeader = shellQuote("Authorization: token ${env.GITHUB_API_TOKEN}")
def apiUrl = shellQuote("${changeId}/comments")

// The comment body must be quoted for embedding into a JSON string,
// and the JSON string must be quoted for embedding into the shell command
// line. Note well: the backslash character has a special meaning in
// both the first argument (regular expression pattern) and the second
// (Matcher.replaceAll() escaping character) of String.replaceAll(); hence,
// yet another level of escaping is required here!

def payload = body.replaceAll('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\').replaceAll('"', '\\\\"').replaceAll('\n', '\\\\n')
def json = shellQuote('{"body":"' + payload + '"}')

// Note the interpolated variables here come from Groovy -- the command
// line which the shell interpreter executes is fully rendered, and contains
// no unsubstituted variables
sh "curl -s -H ${authHeader} -X POST -d ${json} ${apiUrl}"


* Checks if the parameter is defined, otherwise sets it to the BRANCH_NAME env var
* @param changeBranch env var to use as the branch name if the changeBranch is not empty
String handleChangeBranch(String changeBranch) {
if (changeBranch?.trim()) {
return changeBranch
return env.BRANCH_NAME

pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'spawner'
label 'built-in'

options { disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true) }

environment {

stages {
stage("check builder file") {
stage("Wait for GitHub action to finish") {
when {
expression { BRANCH_NAME ==~ /PR-[0-9]+/ }
steps {
readTrusted "AR-builder.groovy"
script {
def commit_hash = sh(script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true).trim()
def pr_number = BRANCH_NAME.replaceAll(/\D/, '')
echo("Wait for github actions to start for ${BRANCH_NAME}")
timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') {
waitUntil {
def output = sh label: 'Get runs', returnStdout: true, script: 'curl -s -L -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${CREDENTIALS}" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28"'
def json = readJSON text: output
if (json['message']) {
echo("Output: " + output)
error("**Trigger script failed:** " + json['message'])
def runs = json['workflow_runs']
echo("Looking for PR-" + pr_number + " with hash" + commit_hash)
for (run in runs) {
if (run['head_sha'] == commit_hash) {
echo("Found " + commit_hash)
echo("status: " + run['status'])
// status can be queued, in_progress, or completed
if (run['status'] == 'queued' || run['status'] == 'in_progress' || run['status'] == 'completed') {
return true
return false

echo("Wait for apk to be build for ${BRANCH_NAME}")
timeout(time: 70, unit: 'MINUTES') {
waitUntil {
def output = sh label: 'Get runs', returnStdout: true, script: 'curl -s -L -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${CREDENTIALS}" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28"'
def json = readJSON text: output
def runs = json['workflow_runs']
echo("Looking for hash " + commit_hash)
for (run in runs) {
if (run['head_sha'] == commit_hash) {
echo("conclusion: " + run['conclusion'])
// conclusion can be: success, failure, neutral, cancelled, skipped, timed_out, or action_required
if (run['conclusion'] == 'success') {
return true
} else if (run['conclusion'] == 'failure') {
error("❌ **Build failed for branch '${GIT_BRANCH_WEBAPP}'** See [Github Actions](" + run['url'] + ")")
} else if (run['conclusion'] == 'cancelled') {
error("⚠️ **Build aborted for branch '${GIT_BRANCH_WEBAPP}'** See [Github Actions](" + run['url'] + ")")
return false;

stage("run pipeline") {
stage("Smoke Tests") {
when {
expression { BRANCH_NAME ==~ /PR-[0-9]+/ }
steps {
script {
def dynamicStages = [:]
List<String> flavorList = defineFlavor()
for (x in flavorList) {
String flavor = x
String buildType = defineBuildType(flavor)
String stageName = "Build $flavor$buildType"
String definedChangeBranch = handleChangeBranch(env.CHANGE_BRANCH)
dynamicStages[stageName] = {
node {
stage(stageName) {
job: 'AR-build-pipeline',
parameters: [
string(name: 'SOURCE_BRANCH', value: env.BRANCH_NAME),
string(name: 'CHANGE_BRANCH', value: definedChangeBranch),
string(name: 'BUILD_TYPE', value: buildType),
string(name: 'FLAVOR', value: flavor),
booleanParam(name: 'UPLOAD_TO_S3', value: true),
booleanParam(name: 'UPLOAD_TO_PLAYSTORE_ENABLED', value: true),
booleanParam(name: 'RUN_UNIT_TEST', value: true),
booleanParam(name: 'RUN_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS', value: true),
booleanParam(name: 'RUN_STATIC_CODE_ANALYSIS', value: true),
string(name: 'GITHUB_CHANGE_ID', value: env.CHANGE_ID)]
def files = []
withAWS(region: 'eu-west-1', credentials: "S3_CREDENTIALS") {
files = s3FindFiles bucket: "z-lohika", path: "artifacts/megazord/android/reloaded/staging/compat/$BRANCH_NAME/", onlyFiles: true, glob: '*.apk'
files.sort { a, b -> a.lastModified <=> b.lastModified }
if (files.size() < 1) {
error("Could not find any apk at provided location!")
} else {
def lastModifiedFileName = files[-1].name
build job: 'android_reloaded_smoke', parameters: [string(name: 'AppBuildNumber', value: "artifacts/megazord/android/reloaded/staging/compat/$BRANCH_NAME/${lastModifiedFileName}"), string(name: 'TAGS', value: '@smoke'), string(name: 'Branch', value: 'main')]
parallel dynamicStages


post {
failure {
success {
script {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('PR-')) {
def payload = "Build [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}](${env.BUILD_URL}) **failed**."
postGithubComment(env.CHANGE_ID, payload)
if (env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /PR-[0-9]+/) {
wireSend(secret: env.WIRE_BOT_SECRET, message: "✅ **$BRANCH_NAME**\n[$CHANGE_TITLE](${CHANGE_URL})\nQA-Jenkins - Smoke Tests [Details](${BUILD_URL})")

wireSend(secret: env.WIRE_BOT_SECRET, message: "**[#${BUILD_NUMBER} Link](${BUILD_URL})** [${BRANCH_NAME}] - ❌ FAILED ($last_started) 👎")

aborted {
wireSend(secret: env.WIRE_BOT_SECRET, message: "**[#${BUILD_NUMBER} Link](${BUILD_URL})** [${BRANCH_NAME}] - ❌ ABORTED ($last_started) ")
unsuccessful {
script {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /PR-[0-9]+/) {
wireSend(secret: env.WIRE_BOT_SECRET, message: "❌ **$BRANCH_NAME**\n[$CHANGE_TITLE](${CHANGE_URL})\nQA-Jenkins - Smoke Tests failed! [Details](${BUILD_URL})")


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