- 1.0.0 Full rules of Hearts has been supported
The environment is based on standard gym, so you can use reset
, step
, render
, etc. to control the game.
Moreover, the action space supports sample
and contains
. When you cannot consider what action you should take,
you can use sample
to generate a regular action.
The render
supports two modes, human and ansi; the human mode can display colored cards, and the ansi mode
display only the text.
Every action you feed into step
MUST pass the validation, or the environment throws the exception instead.
You can check the type of exception to clarify what rule you violated.
from hearts.single import SingleEnv
done = False
env = SingleEnv()
while not done:
# You can simply use sample() to finish the whole game
action = env.action_space.sample()
obs, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action)
# Do whatever learning algorithm
This environment has also been applied the special rules from TrendMicro 2018 AI Contests in the trend_rule branch.
The observation is a tuple consist of two parts; one is player information, which are score, hand cards and receiving cards, not to mention that only you yourself can see the hand cards. Another is table information including many states, such as round, start position, current position, pass or not, was there a heart broken, how many games, expose hearts or not, is there any exposed, borad cards, the leading card at current round, and the last board cards.
The most important thing is the player is always at the position 3, so that you can check the index of board or backup to get the other opponents' information.
The detail is at single.py
self.observation_space = spaces.Tuple([
# player states
spaces.Tuple([ # p0, p1, p2
spaces.Discrete(200), # score
spaces.Tuple([ # income
spaces.MultiDiscrete([13, 4])
] * 52),
] * 3),
spaces.Discrete(200), # p3 score
spaces.Tuple([ # hand
spaces.MultiDiscrete([13, 4])
] * 13),
spaces.Tuple([ # income
spaces.MultiDiscrete([13, 4])
] * 52),
# table states
spaces.Discrete(13), # n_round
spaces.Discrete(4), # start_pos
spaces.Discrete(4), # cur_pos
spaces.Discrete(1), # exchanged
spaces.Discrete(1), # heart_occured
spaces.Discrete(100), # n_games
spaces.Discrete(1), # finish_expose
spaces.Discrete(1), # heart_exposed
spaces.Tuple([ # board
spaces.MultiDiscrete([13, 4])
] * 4),
spaces.Tuple([ # first_draw
spaces.MultiDiscrete([13, 4])
spaces.Tuple([ # backup
spaces.MultiDiscrete([13, 4])
] * 4)
- Install docker and docker-compose
- Goto docker-compose working directory
cd HeartsEnv
- Build docker image
- Start docker containers
docker-compose up -d
- Run poker bot
docker-compose exec hearts python /hearts/demo/demo_hearts.py
- Open browser
- Open browser
- In docker-compose working directory
- Remove all docker containers
docker-compose down
- Get shell of docker containers
docker-compose exec hearts bash
- Remove all docker containers