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Gates Angle
1 Add
2 Clamp (angles)
3 Clamp (numbers)
4 Compose
5 Decompose
6 Delta
7 Direction (Forward, Up, Right)
8 Division
9 Equal
10 Identity
11 Inequal
12 Multiplication
13 Multiplication (Components)
14 Negate
15 Normalize
16 Round
17 Select
18 Shift Component Left
19 Shift Component Right
20 Subtraction
21 To String
Inputs: A B C D E F G H
Outputs: Out
Description: Adds the inputs together.
Clamp (angles)
Inputs: Type-Angle A Min Max
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Clamps each angle component from A between their counterparts of Min and Max.
Clamp (numbers)
Inputs: Type-Angle A Type-Number Min Max
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Clamps each angle component from A between the values of Min and Max.
Inputs: Type-Number Pitch Yaw Roll
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Creates an angle from the inputs Pitch Yaw and Roll.
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-Number Pitch Yaw Roll
Description: Outputs the components from A as Pitch Yaw and Roll.
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Outputs the current value of A minus the value of A at the previous tick.
Direction (Forward, Up, Right)
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-Vector Forward Up Right
Description: Outputs 3 directional vectors representing the angle components.
Inputs: Type-Angle A B
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Divides angle A by B.
Inputs: Type-Angle A B
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs 1 when inputs A and B are equal, 0 when they are unequal.
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Outputs A.
Useful for organizing your wiring.
Inputs: Type-Angle A B
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs 0 when inputs A and B are equal, 1 when they are unequal.
Inputs: Type-Angle A B
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Multiplies angle A and B
Multiplication (Components)
Inputs: Type-Angle A B
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Multiplies the components of angle A and B.
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Negates angle A.
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Normalizes angle A.
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Rounds angle A to integers.
Inputs: Type-Number Select Type-Angle A B C D E F G H
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Outputs the selected angle.
Shift Component Left
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Outputs the components shifted left; Pitch = Yaw , Yaw = Roll and Roll = Pitch.
Shift Component Right
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Outputs the components shifted right; Pitch = Roll , Yaw = Pitch and Roll = Yaw.
Inputs: Type-Angle A B
Outputs: Type-Angle Out
Description: Subtracts angle B from A.
To String
Inputs: Type-Angle A
Outputs: Type-String Out
Description: Outputs the angle as a string, "[ Pitch , Yaw , Roll ]".
Please do not alter the e2 docs ...
pages manually.
They are autogenerated from the E2Helper. In the future, this will hopefully be its own dedicated website or tool.
Basic Features: core, debug, number, selfaware,
string, timer
🌎 World: angle, color, find, ranger, sound,
🔣 Math: bitwise, complex, matrix, quaternion, vector, vector2/4
📦 Entities: bone, constraint, egp, entity, hologram, npc
👨 Players: chat, console, player, weapon
📊 Data storage: array, files, globalvars, serialization, table
💬 Communication: datasignal, http, signal, wirelink,
❓ Informational: gametick, serverinfo, steamidconv, unitconv
Disabled by default: constraintcore, effects, propcore, remoteupload, wiring
Wire-Extras (repo): camera, ftrace, holoanim, light, stcontrol, tracesystem
Expression 2 ⚙️
- Syntax 🔣
- Directives 🎛️
- Editor 🖥️
- Ops 📊
- Learning & Getting Help 📚
- Triggers ⏲️
- Events 🎬
- Find Functions 🔍
- Physics 🚀
- EGP Basics 📈
- Lambdas λ
- Lambda Timers λ⏲️
- Tips & Tricks 📘
Click To Expand
- 🟥 SPU
- 🟥 Address Bus
- 🟥 Extended Bus
- 🟥 Plug/Socket
- 🟥 Port
- 🟥 Transfer Bus
- 🟩 GPU
- 🟥 Dynamic Memory
- 🟥 Flash EEPROM
- 🟥 ROM
- 🟧 Beacon Sensor
- 🟧 Locator
- 🟧 Target Finder
- 🟧 Waypoint
- 🟥 XYZ Beacon
- 🟩 CPU
- 🟩 Expression 2
- 🟩 Gates
- 🟥 PID
- 🟧 CD Disk
- 🟥 CD Ray
- 🟧 DHDD
- 🟥 Keycard
- 🟥 RAM-card
- 🟧 Satellite Dish
- 🟧 Store
- 🟧 Transferer
- 🟥 Wired Wirer
- 🟧 Adv Entity Marker
- 🟧 Damage Detector
- 🟧 Entity Marker
- 🟧 GPS
- 🟧 Gyroscope
- 🟥 HighSpeed Ranger
- 🟧 Laser Pointer Receiver
- 🟥 Microphone
- 🟧 Ranger
- 🟧 Speedometer
- 🟧 Water Sensor
- 🟧 7 Segment Display
- 🟥 Adv. Hud Indicator
- 🟧 Console Screen
- 🟧 Control Panel
- 🟧 Digital Screen
- 🟧 EGP v3
- 🟧 Fix RenderTargets
- 🟥 GPULib Switcher
- 🟧 Hud Indicator
- 🟧 Indicator
- 🟧 Lamp
- 🟧 Light
- 🟧 Oscilloscope
- 🟧 Pixel
- 🟧 Screen
- 🟧 Sound Emitter
- 🟧 Text Screen
- 🟩 Cam Controller
- 🟧 Colorer
- 🟧 FX Emitter
- 🟧 HighSpeed Holoemitter
- 🟧 HoloEmitter
- 🟧 HoloGrid
- 🟥 Interactable Holography Emitter
- 🟥 Materializer
- 🟥 Painter
- 🟧 Adv. Input
- 🟧 Button
- 🟧 Constant Value
- 🟥 Door Controller
- 🟧 Dual Input
- 🟧 Dynamic Button
- 🟧 Eye Pod
- 🟧 Graphics Tablet
- 🟧 Keyboard
- 🟥 Lever
- 🟧 Numpad
- 🟧 Numpad Input
- 🟧 Numpad Output
- 🟧 Plug
- 🟧 Pod Controller
- 🟧 Radio
- 🟧 Relay
- 🟧 Text Receiver
- 🟧 Two-way Radio
- 🟧 Vehicle Controller
- 🟥 Door
- 🟥 Adv. Dupe. Teleporter
- 🟥 Buoyancy
- 🟧 Clutch
- 🟧 Detonator
- 🟧 Explosives
- 🟧 Explosives (Simple)
- 🟥 Forcer
- 🟩 Freezer
- 🟧 Gimbal (Facer)
- 🟧 Grabber
- 🟧 Hoverball
- 🟧 Hoverdrive Controller
- 🟥 Hydraulic
- 🟧 Igniter
- 🟧 Nailer
- 🟩 Prop Spawner
- 🟥 Servo
- 🟥 Simple Servo
- 🟧 Thruster
- 🟥 Touchplate
- 🟥 Trail
- 🟩 Turret
- 🟩 User
- 🟥 Vector Thruster
- 🟥 Vehicle Exit Point
- 🟧 Weight (Adjustable)
- 🟧 Weld/Constraint Latch
- 🟥 Wheel
- 🟥 Wire Magnet
- 🟥 Wired Npc Controller
- 🟧 Debugger
- 🟥 GUI Wiring
- 🟥 Multi Wire
- 🟧 Namer
- 🟥 Simulate Data
- 🟩 Wiring
- 🟥 Beam Reader
- 🟥 Implanter
- 🟥 Reader
- 🟥 Target Filter
- 🟥 User Reader
Gates 🚥
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