IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for JBehave
This plugin provides some support for JBehave. It is a fork of IntelliJBehave, originally created by Aman Kumar.
The plugin provides the following features:
- Basic syntax highlighting for JBehave story files
- Jump to step definition in Java or Groovy
- Error Highlighting in story if step was not defined
- Create new story files from a configurable story template
- Comment/uncomment lines in story files
- Code inspections to report unused steps definitions and undefined step usages
- Run *.story files
- Spellchecking in .story files
- Structure view for .story files (via Ctrl+12 or similar shortcut)
- Searches complete module classpath, no configuration available to limit scope
- Does not take into account any custom JBehave configuration
- Lifecycles are currently not supported in the .story file structure view
- Setup:
git clone <URL>
./gradlew idea
In IntelliJ just 'Open' that folder and everything should be ready.
- Run:
./gradlew runIde
You can do this from within IntelliJ if you enable gradle on the project.
See original documentation at
Most of the original code has been retained, but several improvements have been incorporated by various contributors: