This repo contains all code needed to reproduce the shown results of my talk at the EARL conference 2018 in london.
- Run docker-compose up in the docker folder to start cassandra
- Create keyspace using docker exec -it cassandra0 cqlsh -f /data/schema.cql
- Jump into the docker container with docker exec -it cassandra0 /bin/bash
- Some random gps data points in and around munich were created, find them in src\main\R\App1\data\
- Import the data into cassandra using the importRoute() methode in src\test\java\de\awi\cassandra
- App1: implementation using only shiny and leaflet, start it using "library(shiny); runApp("App1")"
- App2: tile layer based approach:
- start TileProvider API using startApi.R
- start Http Server using startHttpServer.R
- runApp("App2")
- Go implementation: