This is a hexo tag plugin which allows you to embed an image stored on your Github repository with specific branch.
For 2.x, use version 0.0.1 of this plugin. Version 0.1.x and beyond only support Hexo v3.x.
To install, run the following command in the root directory of hexo:
npm install hexo-tag-githubimage --save
And add this plugin in your _config.yml
- hexo-tag-githubimage
{% ghimg imageId [class1,class2] [JSONImageAttibutes] %}
{% ghimg /wizicer/IcerSite/dev/source/images/icer.png center,custom_class1,custom_class2 {"width":450,"height":450,"alt":"Image Alt"} %}
Will output:
<img width="450" height="450" alt="Image Alt" src="" class="center custom_class1 custom_class2">
Classes must be comma-separated and without spaces. Same as JSONImageAttibutes.