This library allows you to register custom and JVM metrics on java applications. It uses listeners to send this metrics to different backends, by default the metrics-library register the common JVM metrics (heap, gc count, gc time ...).
Listener class | Description | Default | Type |
metric.enable |
Enable or disable the metric library | true |
boolean |
metric.verbose.mode |
Enable verbose metrics (1min, 5min, 15min ...) | false |
boolean |
metric.listeners |
The listeners that metric library should be use to export metrics | ["io.wizzie.metrics.listeners.ConsoleMetricListener"] |
List |
metric.interval |
The interval to configure when the metric are sent (milliseconds) | 60000 |
Long | |
Identifier to specific what application is exporting the metrics | Depends of the listener | String |
metric.databag |
Static data to add to all exported metrics. | Map[String, Object] |
The listeners are the process that listen the reported metrics and do something with them. You can have multiple listeners at the same time.
Listener class | Description |
io.wizzie.metrics.listeners.ConsoleMetricListener |
Log the metrics ussing log4j-slf4j |
io.wizzie.metrics.listeners.KafkaMetricListener |
Send metrics to Kafka topic |
Listener class | Description | Default | Type |
metric.kafka.topic |
Topic to send metrics | __metrics |
String |
bootstrap.servers |
Kafka brokers (ip111:9092,ip222:9092) | String | | |
Identifier to specific what application is exporting the metrics | Thread.currentThread().getName() | String |
To work with this library you need to add this dependency to your pom.xml:
Later you can init the MetricsManager
class and register your metrics:
Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
config.put(METRIC_ENABLE, true);
config.put(METRIC_INTERVAL, 2000);
config.put(APPLICATION_ID, "testing-metric-manager");
config.put(METRIC_LISTENERS, Collections.singletonList("io.wizzie.metrics.listeners.ConsoleMetricListener"));
MetricsManager metricsManager = new MetricsManager(config);
Counter myCounter = new Counter();
Timer myTimer = new Timer();
metricsManager.registerMetric("myCounterMetric", myCounter);
metricsManager.registerMetric("myTimerMetric", myTimer);
// Now you can use the metric instances.;
myTimer.update(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
You can made new listeners to do this you need to implement the MetricListener Class. On this class you receive the metric on the method void updateMetric(String metricName, Object metricValue);