This is a Visual Studio solution for SuiteSparse. As of version 7.2, SuiteSparse has a mature CMake build system, making this repository kind of obsolete. There are some differences, though:
- Modified CXSparse allowing factorization of complex matrices.
- All-in-one library suitesparse.dll containing all SuiteSparse solvers.
The repository does not contain the SuiteSparse source code. It can be obtained from The Visual Studio solution was tested with SuiteSparse version 7.8.2, but should also work with newer versions. Download the latest version and extract it to the src
folder (a subfolder SuiteSparse
should be created automatically). To check if everything is in its right place, make sure that the file src/SuiteSparse/README.txt
To build the solution, some projects require BLAS and LAPACK. Please read the wiki page BLAS and LAPACK for instructions on how to resolve these dependencies.
Pre-compiled binaries for windows users can be found here.
The project was created to maintain SuiteSparse builds matching the CSparse.Interop bindings for C#.