Distributed Neural Network Training - MEng thesis and Final year Project
Excerpt from the introduction:
Understanding data was the cornerstone of humanity’s development, its greatest feat and challenge. It is undoubtedly the reason why we become rational beings, even though we come to this world blissfully helpless. Due to the rapid technological revolution of the past few decades we now produce more data than was previously imaginable, and hence develop novel techniques for making sense of it. The data we produce, however, is as diverse as it is abundant, with different data sets requiring very different analysis and treatment. Classifying emails as spam is clearly a task whole lot different than image recognition, which is in turn dissimilar to natural language processing.
For simplicity, let’s look at the spam classification example. We can imagine the data as points occupying a multi-dimensional space. The point coordinates describe its features - in our case the occurence of fraudulent clauses, grammar correctness, legitimacy of the email address and many more. Based on those features, we can try to draw a classification boundary - for example a hyperplane dividing the bad from the good, to the extent that our algorithm can work it out. Not every algorithm will come up with the same boundary, though, and only some will come up with a valid one. This depends on the characteristics of the dataset.
The most rudimentary way of describing the interdependencies between variables in the set is their linearity. If we can describe the classification boundary by a function linear in its coefficients, then we call the dataset linear. Most of algorithms can deal with this sort of datasets quite well. In fact, if we extend our discussion to regression problems, the learning problem has already been approached in the 19th century. This is because even fitting a best-fit line to a set of points on a 2D plane lets us detect trends in the data. Problem arises when the dataset is not linearly separable - if there is a more subtle relationship between the data features. Sadly for linear regression, but excitingly for the development of science, most of the "natural" datasets we study are not linear. Machine learning is the field concerned with developing techniques robust to the dataset charasteristics and bringing the technology closer to the sophistication with which the humans understand the world.
Interestingly the problems that we, humans, find awfuly easy, such as informed vision, turn out to be tremendously hard for the computers to perform. Our brains are amazingly sophisticated machines, with the computational power available at a very low energetic cost. Millions of years of evolution equipped us with skills that are impossible to replicate with the current technology, which certainly doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, though! The research on human visual cortex (Kruger et al., 2013 [4]), for example, gave us significant insight into the generalised machine vision problems, and stimulated the development of a field known as deep learning. Before we delve into the analysis of deep learning itself, though, it is useful to take a quick look at the algorithm underlying its success - a neural network.