Nanyang Technological University
- Shanghai
- http://woodghost.github.io/myblog/
Gabriel Conceição
☕ Full Stack Web developer Websites development, Web Application developer, Webserver management.
Problem solver, data recovery, technical assistance.
Bydas Porto
Volkan Özçelik
I’m a developer, speaker, streamer, and creator.
I like tinkering with systems, and I’m not afraid to break stuff.
Visit https://volkan.io/ for more.
@zerotohero-dev Mountain View, CA
Nicholas C. Zakas
Creator of ESLint, independent software developer, consultant, coach, and author.
Human Who Codes LLC Boston, MA
Unbug Lee
Creator of Micropaper, MIHTool, Codelf, React Native Training, WebAssembly Rocks. etc.
Los Angeles, CA
Ben Frain
Author of books including 'Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS' and 'Enduring CSS'. UI-UX Design Technical Lead at bet365.com
Cheshire, UK