A jshint flavor of hallettj's jslint.vim.
Node.js must be in your path.
Recommended for use with tpope's Pathogen plugin runtime management system or vundle.
If you're old school or not into pathogen, there is a Makefile to copy everything into your ~/.vim
Install with Vundle
Add to vimrc:
Plugin "wookiehangover/jshint.vim"
And install it:
:so ~/.vimrc
Install with pathogen
git clone https://github.com/wookiehangover/jshint.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/jshint.vim
This plugin automatically checks the JavaScript source and highlights the lines with errors on file writes, entering a buffer and leaving insert mode. It also will display more information about the error in the commandline if the cursor is in the same line.
To disable automatic checking and only check when the file is written, use the following in your ~/.vimrc or set it at runtime:
let JSHintUpdateWriteOnly=1
This can also be set in the ~/.vimrc
file to bind this command to a key or to turn off error checking by default:
When automatic error checking is enabled, jshint.vim will automatically display errors in the quickfix window in addition to highlighting them.
You can open and close the quickfix window with the commands :copen
and :cclose
. Use the command :cn
to go to the next error or :cc [nr]
to go to a specific error, where [nr]
is a number. The first error in the list is 1
, the second is 2
, and so on.
Once an error is fixed the corresponding quickfix line will disappear.
let g:JSHintHighlightErrorLine = 0
Add any valid JSHint options to a ~/.jshintrc
file. These options will be used as global options for all JavaScript files. There is an example file at Official Example
/*jshint browser: true, laxcomma, true, asi: true */
/*global deepEqual, equal, notEqual, test, ok, raises */