Picasso Log Reader
- Install NodeJs in your OS.
- CD into the root directory of this package.
- Run
npm install
to install dependencies.
The following command line read and print the log and save the logs to a file at the same time:
- Linux:
./bin/plogread -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -f foo.log
- Windows:
node bin\plogread -d COM3 -f foo.log
Device can be a TCP port, for example,
./bin/plogread -d -f foo.log
For detail information, run plogread -h
to get the online help. Below is a
screenshot when running the above command line:
By default, the log file will automatically split once it reaached size of 10M. The size limit can be configured by '-s N', where N is in Kilo-byte.
- ./bin/ploga -f foo.log stat