Mongoid does not provide a simple DSL to create or update documents atomically. Mongoid Versioning support was removed from version 4.0 Mongodb does not have the concept of transactions, so optimistic concurrency control is a necessity.
gem 'mongoid_versioned_atomic', :git => "git://"
In your mongoid documents include the following
class User
include Mongoid::Document
include MongoidVersionedAtomic::VAtomic
##some dummy fields
field :name, type: string
field :confirmation_token, type: string
field :something_else, type: xyz
Three attributes(not fields) are set on the returned document They are taken from the WriteResult( matched_count, modified_count, upserted_id
The default query is empty. Inside the method, the id of the instance is added to the query, and the query becomes:
query = {"_id" =>}
the method searches for an element with the id of the given instance, and if it does not exist, then the instance and all its fields are "upserted". Suppose that even one record with this id exists, no new records will be created.
d = = "rini"
#=> true
#=> 1
You can pass in a query to the create call. If you pass in a query, then it will override the internal query mechanism described above. This means that it will not check for the uniqness of the document id, however if an id gets generated that already exists, that will fail due to mongodb's inherent checks.
If a document is found that matches your query, then no new documents will be inserted. On the other hand, if no documents are found matching your query , then the given instance is persisted.
This can be useful for unique checks, without creating unique indexes. Suppose you only want to create a new user if there is no existing user with the current user's name. Then you should do the following:
d = = "dog"
d.versioned_create({"name" => "dog"})
#=> 1
d1 = = "doggus"
##the query will check whether there is any record with the name of "dog" and in that case it will execute the update on that record, but since we have specified the update hash(internal to the method) only using "setOnInsert" no new records are inserted.
d1.versioned_create({"name" => "dog"})
#=> true
#=> 0
#=> 1
#=> nil
This method accepts four arguments:
1.dirty_fields : keys should be names of those fields which are to be updated, defaults to empty, in which case all fields except "id" and "verion" will be added to the "$set" in the update hash.
2.bypass_versioninig : if true, then the version check is not performed while doing the update, and neither is the version incremented.
3.optional_update_hash : this hash can be provided if you want to specify your own update settings, it will override the default "$set" that includes all fields on the instance by default.
4.log : whether you want the method to print out the final command to mongodb. defaults to false.
The query in this case is just the document id , and the document version, both of which are taken from the instance itself. If the document is found, then the update hash is applied to it.
d = = "test"
#=> true
#=> 1 = "updated_name"
#=> true
#=> 2
This method allows you to specify a query and and update hash. It differs from versioned_create where you can specify a query which only excludes documents, while you cannot specify any update part, because the whole document is persisted. It differs from versioned_update because here you can provide an optional query, whereas in the former, the query is only the id of the instance and its version.
This method performs the following checks:
If the query is empty, it will automatically set the bypass_versioning to true, because otherwise it results in an increment of the version of all documents in the collection.
If the update is empty, no operation is performed.
Upsert is true by default.
It returns the updated mongoid document, or nil if the update could not be completed.
While searching any document by id, it should be passed as follows: "_id" => BSON::ObjectId Do not pass string ids, they result in documents not being found.
Run from the root directory
bundle exec rake test