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bedroesb committed Mar 3, 2022
1 parent 3d9e940 commit b961bbb
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Showing 8 changed files with 24 additions and 24 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Workflow-RO-Crate/0.2/
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<link href="" rel="item" />
<link href="" rel="item" />

![Workflow RO-Crate]({{ site.url }}/assets/img/ro-crate-workflow.svg)
![Workflow RO-Crate]({{ '/assets/img/ro-crate-workflow.svg' | relative_url }})

* Permalink: `TODO`
* Version: [0.2.0](
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Workflow-RO-Crate/1.0/
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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ title: Workflow RO-Crate profile 1.0
<link href="" rel="item" />
<link href="" rel="item" />

![Workflow RO-Crate]({{ site.url }}/assets/img/ro-crate-workflow.svg)
![Workflow RO-Crate]({{ '/assets/img/ro-crate-workflow.svg' | relative_url }})

* Authors:
- Finn Bacall <>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Before you register a workflow, you need to ensure that you

To register a workflow, you can either click on the "contribute" icon on the WorkflowHub homepage, or in the "Workflow" option of the "Create" menu from any page of the application.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/ug_link_to_wf_upload.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/ug_link_to_wf_upload.PNG' | relative_url }})

## Supported workflow types
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ title: How to register
In order to register yourself in WorkflowHub, you need to click Register button in the top right hand corner of WorkflowHub.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/register-1.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/register-1.PNG' | relative_url }})

It will take you to a screen where you need to provide

* A Login name (can be your real name, or another appropriate name)
* An email address
* A password for your account. When complete click the Register button in the bottom left hand corner.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/register-2.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/register-2.PNG' | relative_url }})

You will then be taken to a screen where you will enter further information. We require the following information:

Expand All @@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ If your project is already in WorkflowHub please select it from the dropdown men

If you don't join any listed project during registration, you can request to join a project or create your own project after the registration.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/register-3.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/register-3.PNG' | relative_url }})

After you have registered the rest of your information, you will need to activate your account. You will receive an email in the email account you have provided.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ Before you log in, you must have already [registered](../How-to-register) on Wor

To log in you need to click the login button in the top right hand corner of WorkflowHub.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/login-1.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/login-1.PNG' | relative_url }})

This will take you to a page where you need to enter your username, and password.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/login-2.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/login-2.PNG' | relative_url }})
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ If the workflow came from an external repository (i.e. GitHub), you can include
3. **If anyone not registered with WorkflowHub assisted creating this Workflow, you can specify them below.**\
Use this field to fill in the remaining creators.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/creators_metadata.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/creators_metadata.PNG' | relative_url }})

## Check the uploaded workflow
Expand All @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Make sure that all the metadata you filled in previously is showed properly and

You can also Click **Download RO-Crate** where metadata files (JSONLD and HTML) have been generated based on the information fill

![]({{ site.url }}/images/result_diagram_CWLabstract.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/result_diagram_CWLabstract.PNG' | relative_url }})

## Minting a DOI

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ If the workflow came from an external repository (i.e. GitHub), you can include
3. **If anyone not registered with WorkflowHub assisted creating this Workflow, you can specify them below.**\
Use this field to fill in the remaining creators.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/creators_metadata.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/creators_metadata.PNG' | relative_url }})

## Check the uploaded RO-crate

Make sure that all the metadata that is parsed/ filled is showed properly and is correct.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/uploaded-galaxy-workflow.PNG)
![]({{ '/images/uploaded-galaxy-workflow.PNG' | relative_url }})
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ title: Registering a workflow on WorkflowHub
## What is the overall process for registration?

![Remote files URLs, Git Repository, Local Files, Zipped RO-Crate are Imported, then Register workflow, Add Metadata and Finalize Registration with review]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-01-overview.svg "Registration Overview")
![Remote files URLs, Git Repository, Local Files, Zipped RO-Crate are Imported, then Register workflow, Add Metadata and Finalize Registration with review]({{ '/images/registration-01-overview.svg' | relative_url }} "Registration Overview")

# Quick start guide
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ _Registering a workflow RO-Crate using the API_
1. Go to the WorkflowHub homepage and either [register]( or [log-in](
2. Return to the main page of WorkflowHub and either click on the `Contribute` button, or select `Workflow` from the `Create` drop down menu at the top of the page (see **Fig 1**).

![In WorkflowHub, click Create, Workflow or alternatively Contribute]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-02-contribute.png "The WorkflowHub landing page")
![In WorkflowHub, click Create, Workflow or alternatively Contribute]({{ '/images/registration-02-contribute.png' | relative_url }} "The WorkflowHub landing page")

_Figure 1: The WorkflowHub landing page._

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ The page you are taken to presents four options for registering a workflow and i
4. Optional: add in a [Diagram file](#bookmark=id.9pqx9te71w4v) using the `Browse…` button
5. Click the `Register` button

![Select your local file, then select Workflow type. In Abstract CWL either upload from local file or remote URL, same for Diagram. Then click Register.]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-03-new-workflow-local.png "New workflow tab for uploading / importing local files")
![Select your local file, then select Workflow type. In Abstract CWL either upload from local file or remote URL, same for Diagram. Then click Register.]({{ '/images/registration-03-new-workflow-local.png' | relative_url }} "New workflow tab for uploading / importing local files")

_Fig 2. New workflow tab for uploading / importing local files._

Expand All @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ _Fig 2. New workflow tab for uploading / importing local files._
5. Click the `Register` button

![Fill in your remote file URL, then select Workflow type. In Abstract CWL set remote URL, same for Diagram. Then click Register.]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-04-new-workflow-remote.png "New workflow tab for importing from a remote URL")
![Fill in your remote file URL, then select Workflow type. In Abstract CWL set remote URL, same for Diagram. Then click Register.]({{ '/images/registration-04-new-workflow-remote.png' | relative_url }} "New workflow tab for importing from a remote URL")

_Fig 3. New workflow tab for importing files from a remote URL._

Expand All @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ _Fig 3. New workflow tab for importing files from a remote URL._
2. Click the `Register` button

![Add your git URL, then click Register.]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-05-new-workflow-git.png "New workflow tab for importing from a git repository (e.g. GitHub, GitLab)")
![Add your git URL, then click Register.]({{ '/images/registration-05-new-workflow-git.png' | relative_url }} "New workflow tab for importing from a git repository (e.g. GitHub, GitLab)")

_Fig 4. New workflow tab for importing files from a git repository (e.g. GitHub, GitLab)._

Expand All @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ _Fig 4. New workflow tab for importing files from a git repository (e.g. GitHub,
2. Click the `Register` button

![For the zipped RO-Crate, either upload your local file or fill in remote URL, then click Register]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-06-new-workflow-ro-crate.png "New workflow tab for importing files using a Research Object Crate (RO-Crate).")
![For the zipped RO-Crate, either upload your local file or fill in remote URL, then click Register]({{ '/images/registration-06-new-workflow-ro-crate.png' | relative_url }} "New workflow tab for importing files using a Research Object Crate (RO-Crate).")

_Fig 5. New workflow tab for importing files using a Research Object Crate (RO-Crate)._

Expand All @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ The remainder of this in-depth guide focuses on registration of an example workf
4. Click `Continue` to proceed to the metadata stage

![First select branch or a release tag, then use drop down list to select the main executable workflow file. Add any optional files before clicking Continue]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-07-select-branch.png "Selecting a target branch or release tag as well as the main executable and optional files during Git repository import.")
![First select branch or a release tag, then use drop down list to select the main executable workflow file. Add any optional files before clicking Continue]({{ '/images/registration-07-select-branch.png' | relative_url }} "Selecting a target branch or release tag as well as the main executable and optional files during Git repository import.")

_Fig 6. Selecting a target branch or release tag as well as the main executable and optional files during Git repository import._
Expand All @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ The next page is a form that gathers the necessary metadata that will be enclose
6. Check the imported <code>[Description](#bookmark=id.76iyrcif3i8b)</code> text, and edit if needed

![Add a workflow title, then revise the imported Description text]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-08-metadata.png "Metadata collection page for a new workflow")
![Add a workflow title, then revise the imported Description text]({{ '/images/registration-08-metadata.png' | relative_url }} "Metadata collection page for a new workflow")

_Fig 7. Metadata collection page for a new workflow (part A)._

Expand All @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ _Fig 7. Metadata collection page for a new workflow (part A)._
10. Add <code>[Tags](#bookmark=id.z1mthsbilv99)</code> and <code>[Creators](#bookmark=kix.vrfk4kj7csgv)</code> (see <strong>Fig 8.</strong>)

![Add Creators]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-09-creator.jpg "Workflow Creator metadata section")
![Add Creators]({{ '/images/registration-09-creator.jpg' | relative_url }} "Workflow Creator metadata section")

_Fig 8. Workflow Creator metadata section._

Expand All @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ _Fig 8. Workflow Creator metadata section._

![Add other metadata, license information. Set sharing conditions, add tags and creators. Associate presentations, documents, files with workflow. Then click Register]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-10-metadata-collection.png "Metadata collection page for a new workflow")
![Add other metadata, license information. Set sharing conditions, add tags and creators. Associate presentations, documents, files with workflow. Then click Register]({{ '/images/registration-10-metadata-collection.png' | relative_url }} "Metadata collection page for a new workflow")

_Fig 9. Metadata collection page for a new workflow (part B)._

Expand All @@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ _Fig 9. Metadata collection page for a new workflow (part B)._
* **Figure 11** shows a real world workflow for [Cheminformatics]( registered on WorkflowHub.

![check your workflow: Add new files or perform actions (new versions, edits, deletions). Check Description, Creators, Submitter, Tags, Attributions. Inspect files.]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-11-check-workflow.png "Sections to be checked upon workflow registration completion")
![check your workflow: Add new files or perform actions (new versions, edits, deletions). Check Description, Creators, Submitter, Tags, Attributions. Inspect files.]({{ '/images/registration-11-check-workflow.png' | relative_url }} "Sections to be checked upon workflow registration completion")

_Fig 10. Sections to be checked upon workflow registration completion._

![Cheminformatics - XCChem combined.]({{ site.url }}/images/registration-12-published.png "Real world Cheminformatics workflow registered on WorkflowHub")
![Cheminformatics - XCChem combined.]({{ '/images/registration-12-published.png' | relative_url }} "Real world Cheminformatics workflow registered on WorkflowHub")

_Fig 11. Real world Cheminformatics workflow registered on WorkflowHub._

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