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This repository contains Bash scripts toolset for Kopia backups.

Kopia is a simple, cross-platform tool for managing encrypted backups in the cloud. It provides fast, incremental backups, secure, client-side end-to-end encryption, compression and data deduplication.

Current version adopted for storing backup repositories on Hetzner StorageBox (over SFTP)


Dependecies: git

  1. Open Terminal locally or connect to remote Linux server (Ubuntu/Debian) via SSH
  2. Scripts download git clone --depth=1
  3. Dependencies instalation bash ./kopia-scripts/
  4. (optional) Reopen Terminal or reconnect to remote SSH (to reload environment variable PATH)


Parameters and environment variables stored in config file.

All paramenetrs can be reassigned inside script (place after source config).


  • performs:

    Require: running from "root" or "sudo"

    • install of software dependencies and Kopia (for Linux Ubuntu/Debian)
    • generate SSH key for Kopia autorization to remote repositories based on SFTP/SSH
    • import SSH key to Hetzner StorageBox'es (listed in box variable), add hosts to known_hosts
    • add scripts path to env
  • – create repositary and save separate config file for futher connections.

  • – connect to existing repositary, making it as active (main).

  • – add SFTP for data replication (synchronization) from main repository and save separate config files for futher connections.

  • – sync repositories data, from repo_main to repo_sync.

  • – draft version for run Kopia web dashboard UI

Quick start

Steps for first run:

  1. Edit config file (or use the example provided):
  • repo_main (required), – main SFTP repository storage (syntax: user@host)
  • repo_sync (optional) – list of additional storages for main repository replication (one or space separated list)
  • repository_folder (required) – path where repository folder placed on remote storage
  • KOPIA_PASSWORD (required) – password for repositories encryption
  1. Run for software dependencies instalation, authorized_keys import, initialization (need to run again if additional remote storage's added). First run the password of remote user@storage_host can be asked
  2. Create repository (main) with
  3. Add folders or files with kopia snapshot create <path to file or folder>

Next steps:

  • add new SFTP storage's for main repository replication with
  • use to replicate data to additional storage's
  • use to make active other repository (main)

File config store configuration for Kopia, as:

  • list of remote storage's
  • default password for repository encryption
  • other options and variables

Quick start for DB backup with kopia (Postgres in Docker)

# set password to ENV `export KOPIA_PASSWORD="pass"` or `source <kopia-scripts>/config`
mkdir -p examples/tmp/

# check repository status  
kopia repository status

# create container with Postgres database example
docker-compose -f ./pg-create-example-docker.yml up -d

# dump database to file
docker exec -i kopia-scripts_db_1 pg_dump -U test > examples/tmp/test.sql

# container stop and remove
docker-compose -f ./pg-create-example-docker.yml stop
docker-compose -f ./pg-create-example-docker.yml rm -f

# create snapshot of examples/tmp/test.sql
kopia snapshot create examples/tmp/test.sql # <path to file or folder what need to backup>

# list of snapshots for file
kopia snapshot list examples/tmp/test.sql

# restore from selected ID
kopia snapshot restore <ID> examples/tmp/test-restored.sql

# or get last shapshot ID and restore it
kopia snapshot restore $(kopia snapshot list examples/tmp/test.sql --json | jq '.[].id' | tail -n 1) examples/tmp/test-restored.sql

# create container with Postgres restored database
docker-compose -f ./pg-restore-example-docker.yml up -d

Postgres export/import with Docker examples

"docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/" accept only text format dump

Tools can be used: psql, pgcli, pg_dump, pg_restore, createdb, dropdb etc

# dump from Docker container
docker exec -i kopia-scripts_db_1 pg_dump -U test > test.sql
# dump from $PGHOST
pg_dump postgresql://test:test@$PGHOST:5432/test > test.sql

# database restore with cleanup to Docker container from custom-format dump
docker exec -i kopia-scripts_db_1 pg_restore --clean -U test -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -d test example-custom-format.sql
# database restore with DB creation to Docker container from custom-format dump
docker exec -i kopia-scripts_db_1 pg_restore --create --clean -U test -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -d template1 example-custom-format.sql

# import text format dump
docker exec -i kopia-scripts_db_1 psql -U test < example.sql

# database restore with re-create to $PGHOST
psql postgresql://test:test@$PGHOST:5432/template1 -c 'drop database test;'
psql postgresql://test:test@$PGHOST:5432/template1 -c 'create database test with owner test;'
psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on postgresql://test:test@$PGHOST:5432/test < test.sql

Additional information

Postgres Docker variables

      - POSTGRES_USR="someuser"
      - POSTGRES_PWD="somepwd"
      - POSTGRES_DB="somedb"
      - POSTGRES_URL="postgres://${POSTGRES_USR}:${POSTGRES_PWD}@postgres:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}?sslmode=disable"

Postgres Docker volumes

    # docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ scipts only runs when `pgdata` directory is empty
      - ./examples/postgres/example.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/import.sql
      - ./examples/postgres/
    # mount `pgdata` to custom path
      - ./examples/postgres/pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Standalone environment variables

export PGUSER=
export PGHOST=
export PGPORT=5432

Docker tips:

# find IP of container
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' kopia-scripts_db_1

Other tips:

# `pg_dump`
# dump a database into a custom-format archive file
pg_dump -Fc mydb > db.dump
# dump a database into a directory-format archive
pg_dump -Fd mydb -f dumpdir

# `dropdb` drop database 
PGPASSWORD=test dropdb -U test -h $PGHOST -p 5432 test

# `pg_restore`
# import
PGPASSWORD=test pg_restore -U test -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -d test example-custom-format.sql
# clean and import
PGPASSWORD=test pg_restore --clean -U test -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -d test example-custom-format.sql
# create and import
PGPASSWORD=test pg_restore --create -U test -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -d template1 example-custom-format.sql
# drop, create, import
PGPASSWORD=test pg_restore --create --clean -U test -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -d template1 example-custom-format.sql

Kopia Policies example

kopia policy set --global \
    --keep-annual 0 \
    --keep-monthly 0 \
    --keep-weekly 52 \
    --keep-daily 30 \
    --keep-hourly 0 \
    --keep-latest 5

Kopia tweaks

  • To use maximum speed of filesystem/network with sync-to use --parallel=32 (default is 1, what limit of 5MB/s)

Essential CLI commands

Common Commands

  • diff - Displays differences between two repository objects (files or directories)
  • list - List a directory stored in repository object
  • restore - Restore a directory or a file
  • show - Displays the contents of a repository object
  • mount - Mount repository object as a local filesystem

Commands to manipulate snapshots

More: Kopia CLI reference



Bash backup scripts toolset for Kopia







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