A collection of essentials snippets for Visual Studio Code.
Snippets are generated with snippet-generator.
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Launch Visual Studio Code
- Choose Extensions from menu
- Search for
- Click Install to install it
- Click Reload to reload the Code
Type part of a snippet, press enter
and the snippet unfolnds. For snippets in markdown format you need to press ctrl+space
(Windows / Linux) or cmd+space
Snippet | Content |
ng-class |
Angular Class |
ng-component |
Angular Component |
ng-component-input |
Angular Component with Input |
ng-directive |
Angular Directive |
ng-enum |
Angular Enum |
ng-guard |
Angular Guard |
ng-interface |
Angular Interface |
ng-module |
Angular Module |
ng-pipe |
Angular Pipe |
ng-service |
Angular Service |
Snippet | Content |
rx-extensions |
RxJS Extensions import |
rx-observable |
RxJS Observable import |
rx-subject |
RxJS Subject import |
rx-subject-behavior |
RxJS BehaviorSubject import |
rx-subject-replay |
RxJS ReplaySubject import |
rx-add-observable |
RxJS add observable import |
rx-add-operator |
RxJS add operator import |
Snippet | Content |
ng-ngFor |
Angular *ngFor |
ng-ngIf |
Angular *ngIf |
ng-ngModel |
Angular ngModel |
ng-routerLink |
Angular routerLink |
ng-routerLink-param |
Angular routerLink with a route parameter |
ng-select |
select control with ngModel |
ng-pre |
Angular pre with json |
Snippet | Content |
ci-appveyor |
AppVeyor configuration file |
ci-circle |
Circle configuration file |
ci-travis |
Travis configuration file |
Snippet | Content |
gitattributes |
.gitattributes file with eol=lf |
gitattributes-archives |
Set archives as binary |
gitattributes-documents |
Set documents as binary |
gitattributes-executables |
Set executables as binary |
gitattributes-fonts |
Set fonts as binary |
gitattributes-graphics |
Set graphics as binary |
A CHANGELOG.md template |
A README.md template |
Snippet | Content |
eslint |
ESLint configuration file |
eslintignore |
ESLint ignore file |
Snippet | Content |
editorconfig |
EditorConfig file |
npmrc |
npm configuration file |
package |
package.json file |
- Install Node.js and npm
- Install Visual Studio Code
Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/wx-chevalier/dd-vscode-snippets.git
Install vsce
$ npm install -g vsce
Build the extension file
$ vsce package
# or
$ npm run build
Install the extension from a package file (.vsix)
- Launch Visual Studio Code
- Choose Extensions from menu
- Click More > Install from VSIX...
- Select the file
- Click Reload Now to reload the Code
Install vsce
$ npm install -g vsce
Create a publisher
$ vsce create-publisher <publisher-name>
$ vsce login <publisher-name>
$ vsce publish
For more detailed information about publish: Publishing Extensions.
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知识体系:《Awesome Lists | CS 资料集锦》、《Awesome CheatSheets | 速学速查手册》、《Awesome Interviews | 求职面试必备》、《Awesome RoadMaps | 程序员进阶指南》、《Awesome MindMaps | 知识脉络思维脑图》、《Awesome-CS-Books | 开源书籍(.pdf)汇总》
编程语言:《编程语言理论》、《Java 实战》、《JavaScript 实战》、《Go 实战》、《Python 实战》、《Rust 实战》
Web 与大前端:《现代 Web 全栈开发与工程架构》、《数据可视化》、《iOS》、《Android》、《混合开发与跨端应用》
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