Police Tools
- Night vision goggles w/ thermal vision toggle
- Slimjims - Easier "lockpick" for Police to open vehicles
Police Certifications
- Granted / Revoked by Officers w/ access to the bossmenus
- View your own certs w/ a command
Boss Menus
- View officers info (rank, certifications)
- Change officers ranks
- Grant Revoke certifications
- View officers by specific rank
Evidence Lockers
- Create / Open evidence lockers at specific locations, or use a command nearby to open evidence lockers
- PD "trash can" that will regularly wipe (set in config)
- Restock option. Set certain items and max amounts for a "quick refill"
- Rank / Cert checks for each item
- Categorized items. Weapons, ammo, medical items, & tools
Police Garages
- Rank & Cert checks for each vehicle
Police Garages / Boats / Helis
- Rank & Cert checks for each vehicle
- View your own certs
- Send players a fine
Duty Blips
- Blip sprite changes based on vehicle
- Different blip colors for each LEO job
- ox_inventory
- ox_target
- ox_lib
- oxmysql
- PD Certifications Usage: Add the following to
qb-core > server > player.lua
inside your existing playerdata
PlayerData.metadata['pdcerts'] = PlayerData.metadata['pdcerts'] or {
['airone'] = false, -- Air-1
['mbu'] = false, -- Motorbike Unit
['fto'] = false, -- Field Training Officer
['hsu'] = false, -- High Speed Unit
['classthree'] = false, -- Class 3
['classtwo'] = false, -- Class 2
['alr'] = false, -- Armalite Rifle
['canine'] = false, -- Canine
['swat'] = false -- SWAT
- Boss Menu Usage: Add the following function to
qb-phone > server > employment.lua
local function JobsHandler(source, Job, CID, grade)
local src = source
local srcPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
if not srcPlayer then return print("no source") end
local srcCID = srcPlayer.PlayerData.citizenid
if not Job or not CID or not CachedJobs[Job] then return end
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerByCitizenId(CID)
if not CachedJobs[Job].employees[CID] then return notifyPlayer(src, "Citizen is not employed at the job...") end
if tonumber(grade) > tonumber(CachedJobs[Job].employees[srcCID].grade) then return notifyPlayer(src, "You cannot promote someone higher than you...") end
CachedJobs[Job].employees[CID].grade = tonumber(grade)
MySQL.update('UPDATE player_jobs SET employees = ? WHERE jobname = ?', { json.encode(CachedJobs[Job].employees), Job })
TriggerClientEvent("qb-phone:client:JobsHandler", -1, Job, CachedJobs[Job].employees)
if Player and CachedPlayers[CID] then
CachedPlayers[CID][Job] = CachedJobs[Job].employees[CID]
local newGrade = type(CachedJobs[Job].employees[CID].grade) ~= "number" and tonumber(CachedJobs[Job].employees[CID].grade) or CachedJobs[Job].employees[CID].grade
Player.Functions.SetJob(Job, newGrade)
TriggerClientEvent('qb-phone:client:MyJobsHandler', Player.PlayerData.source, Job, CachedPlayers[CID][Job], CachedJobs[Job].employees)
exports('JobsHandler', JobsHandler)
- Raid Garages Usage: Find the
function in qb-garages and replace it with the following:
local function PublicGarage(garageName, type)
local garage = Config.Garages[garageName]
local categories = garage.vehicleCategories
local superCategory = GetSuperCategoryFromCategories(categories)
local isHidden = true
if PlayerJob.name == 'police' and type ~= 'depot' then isHidden = false end
header = garage.label,
isMenuHeader = true,
header = 'Raid Garage',
txt = 'Search for a citizen\'s vehicles',
icon = 'fas fa-magnifying-glass',
hidden = isHidden,
params = {
event = 'xt-pdextras:client:raidGarage',
args = {
garage = garage,
garageId = garageName,
categories = categories,
superCategory = superCategory,
type = type,
header = Lang:t("menu.text.vehicles"),
txt = Lang:t("menu.text.vehicles"),
params = {
event = "qb-garages:client:GarageMenu",
args = {
garageId = garageName,
garage = garage,
categories = categories,
header = Lang:t("menu.header."..garage.type.."_"..superCategory, {value = garage.label}),
superCategory = superCategory,
type = type
header = Lang:t("menu.leave.car"),
txt = "",
params = {
event = 'qb-menu:closeMenu'