A rails plugin to backup Mysql to Amazon S3. You’re looking at a monthly spend of four cents. So pony up you cheap bastard, and store your backups on S3
I don’t use this gem anymore so cannot maintain it. There is a newer, shinier alternative called db2fog which supports many different backends, not just S3, and doesn’t rely on the aws-s3 gem which is a bit crufty:
You should use that rather than this.
# In config/environment.rb config.gem "db2s3", :source => "http://gemcutter.org" # In Rakefile require 'db2s3/tasks' # In config/initializers/db2s3.rb DB2S3::Config.instance_eval do S3 = { :access_key_id => 'yourkey', :secret_access_key => 'yoursecretkey', :bucket => 'yourapp-db-backup' } end # DB credentials are read from your rails environment rake gems:install # Add to your crontab or whatever rake db2s3:backup:full rake db2s3:backup:incremental # Unimplemented # Handy tasks rake db2s3:statistics # Shows you the size of your DB rake db2s3:backup:restore # You should be testing this regularly rake db2s3:backup:clean # Clean up old backups - cron this
Specs are really week. This code is bit hackish but is being used by quite a few people.