AFC-Lite is a PCB designed for Armored Turtle's Box Turtle system. It features:
- 4x Stepstick Slots for TMC2209-based Stepsticks
- 4x Brushed DC Motor Drivers
- 4x RGB LED Connectors
- 12x Endstop Connectors
- 1x 5V Fan Connector (No Speed Control)
- STM32H723 MCU
- USB and CAN Support
- 5V Buck Converter
AFC-Lite - Isik's Tech
We also have Full BT kits and other BT parts available.
- Amazon (Ships from US)
- Amazon (Prime Shipping)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Markdown files in this repository may contain Amazon Associate, Aliexpress affiliate, PCBWay affiliate, Jawstec affiliate, Polymaker affiliate links. I make a comission on qualifying purchases.
- This project does not come with any warranty, if you choose to build/use a PCB manufactured using published files in this repository, you are doing this at your own risk!