Author: | Syohei Tanaka(@xcir) |
Date: | 2013-06-25 |
Version: | 0.12 |
Manual section: | 3 |
import parsereq;
This project is deprecated. New project is
- REQ(req.http.*)
- AUTO(auto type using for in subroutine only, that is called by iterate function.)
Don't use "vcl.use" and "vcl.discard" on VCL with the vmod loaded. This will cause the a segfault.
- Prototype
- Return value
- Description
Make sure to call parsereq.init() in vcl_recv before using any other function.
- Example
import parsereq; vcl_recv{ parsereq.init(); }
- Prototype
setopt(enum {enable_post_lookup})
- Option
enable_post_lookup (EXPERIMENTAL) Enable to "CACHE" for POST request. very dangerous. This option modify to Backend request method set to "POST". Enable send body. Content-Length is set to POST size.
- Return value
- Description
- Set option.
- Example
import parsereq; vcl_recv{ parsereq.init(); }
- Prototype
- Return value
int errorcode (sucess) 2 Unknown or missing content-type. (sucess) 1 Parse complete. (error) -1 Out of session workspace. Try to increase sess_workspace (error) -2 No content-length key. (error) -3 Readable data < content-length.
- Description
- Get status code.
- Example
import parsereq; vcl_recv{ if(parsereq.errcode()<1){ ... } }
- Prototype
post_header(STRING key) (LEGACY) get_header(STRING key) (LEGACY) cookie_header(STRING key) (LEGACY) param(enum {post, get, cookie, req, auto}, STRING key)
- Parameter
STRING key Desired key value
- Return value
- STRING (not escaped)
- Description
- Get value.
- Example
vcl_deliver{ set resp.http.hoge = parsereq.param(post, "hoge"); } //return hoge: hogevalue
- Prototype
post_body() (LEGACY) get_body() (LEGACY) cookie_body() (LEGACY) body(enum {post, get, cookie})
- Return value
- Description
Get (get,post,cookie) raw data.
This function is dangerous. The raw data is not escaped. Usage of this require a thorough understanding of the risks involved.
- Example
//vcl vcl_deliver{ set resp.http.hoge = parsereq.body(post); } //return hoge: hoge=hogevalue&mage=magevalue
- Prototype
post_read_keylist() (LEGACY) get_read_keylist() (LEGACY) cookie_read_keylist() (LEGACY) next_key(enum {post, get, cookie, req, auto})
- Return value
- Description
- get (get,post,cookie) key name.
- Example
//req /?name1=a&name2=b //vcl vcl_deliver{ set resp.http.n1 = parsereq.next_key(get); set resp.http.n2 = parsereq.next_key(get); //nothing set resp.http.n3 = parsereq.next_key(get); } //return n1: name2 n2: name1
- Prototype
post_seek_reset() (LEGACY) get_seek_reset() (LEGACY) cookie_seek_reset() (LEGACY) reset_offset(enum {post, get, cookie, req, auto})
- Return value
- Description
- Reset the seek index.
- Example
//req /?name1=a&name2=b //vcl vcl_deliver{ set resp.http.n1 = parsereq.next_key(get); set resp.http.n2 = parsereq.next_key(get); parsereq.reset_offset(get); set resp.http.n3 = parsereq.next_key(get); set resp.http.n4 = parsereq.next_key(get); //nothing set resp.http.n5 = parsereq.next_key(get); } //return n1: name2 n2: name1 n3: name2 n4: name1
- Prototype
size(enum {post, get, cookie, req, auto}, STRING key)
- Parameter
STRING key Desired key value
- Return value
- Description
- Get the size of value.
- Example
//req /?name1=a&name2=bbb //vcl vcl_deliver{ set resp.http.n1 = parsereq.size(get, "name1"); set resp.http.n2 = parsereq.size(get, "name2"); //nothing set = parsereq.size(get, "name99"); } //return n1: 1 n2: 3 na: 0
- Prototype
current_key(enum {post, get, cookie, req, auto})
- Return value
- Description
- Get current key-name of the offset.
- Example
//req /?name1=a&name2=bbb //vcl vcl_deliver{ set resp.http.t1 = ">>" + parsereq.current_key(get); parsereq.next_offset(get); set resp.http.t2 = ">>" + parsereq.current_key(get); parsereq.next_offset(get); set resp.http.t3 = ">>" + parsereq.current_key(get); parsereq.next_offset(get); set resp.http.t4 = ">>" + parsereq.current_key(get); } //return t1: >> t2: >>name2 t3: >>name1 t4: >>name1
- Prototype
next_offset(enum {post, get, cookie, req, auto})
- Return value
- Description
- Change to the next key. If next key isn't exist, will not change.
- Example
//req /?name1=a&name2=bbb //vcl vcl_deliver{ set resp.http.t1 = ">>" + parsereq.current_key(get); parsereq.next_offset(get); set resp.http.t2 = ">>" + parsereq.current_key(get); parsereq.next_offset(get); set resp.http.t3 = ">>" + parsereq.current_key(get); parsereq.next_offset(get); set resp.http.t4 = ">>" + parsereq.current_key(get); } //return t1: >> t2: >>name2 t3: >>name1 t4: >>name1
- Prototype
iterate(enum {post, get, cookie, req}, STRING)
- Parameter
- STRING subroutine pointer
- Return value
- Description
- Count all elements in parameter for iterate the subroutine. This function is subject to change without notice.
- Example
//req /?name1=a&name2=bbb //vcl sub iterate { set req.http.hoge = req.http.hoge + parsereq.current_key(auto) + ":"; set req.http.hoge = req.http.hoge + parsereq.param(auto, parsereq.current_key(auto)) + " "; } sub vcl_recv { parsereq.init(); if(1 == 0){ call iterate; } set req.http.hoge= ""; C{ if(Vmod_Func_parsereq.iterate(sp, "get", (const char*)VGC_function_iterate)) return(1); }C } sub vcl_deliver{ set resp.http.t1 = req.http.hoge; } //return t1: name2:bbb name1:a
Installation requires a Varnish source tree.
VARNISHSRC is the directory of the Varnish source tree for which to compile your vmod. Both the VARNISHSRC and VARNISHSRC/include will be added to the include search paths for your module.
Optionally you can also set the vmod install directory by adding VMODDIR=DIR (defaults to the pkg-config discovered directory from your Varnish installation).
Make targets:
- make - builds the vmod
- make install - installs your vmod in VMODDIR
- make check - runs the unit tests in
You could try to increase the sess_workspace and http_req_size parameters and stack size(ulimit -s).
- 3.0.1(x86_64)
- 3.0.2(x86_64)
- 3.0.2-streaming(x86_64)
- 3.0.3(x86, x86_64)
- 3.0.4(x86_64)
Version 0.12: Support POST request cache(issue #7 thanks nshahzad). 3.0.4 support(issue #8)
Version 0.11: Support REQ data type.(req.http.*) And AUTO data type.
Version 0.10: Add: param, size, body, next_key, next_offset, current_key, iterate, reset_offset
Version 0.9: Bug fix: always segfault on x86. And sometimes segfault on x86_64. [issue #5 Thanks comotion]
Version 0.8: Support unknown content-type.(post_body only) [issue #3 Thanks c0ze]
Version 0.7: Bug fix: forgot to care binary. [issue #4 Thanks dnewhall]
Version 0.6: Bug fix: when you vcl reloaded, hook method be off.
Version 0.5: Rename module(parsepost -> parsereq)
Version 0.4: Add get keylist function.
Version 0.3: Support GET,COOKIE, modify interface.
Version 0.2: Rename module(postparse -> parsepost)
Version 0.1: Add function parse
This document is licensed under the same license as the libvmod-rewrite project. See LICENSE for details.
- Copyright (c) 2012 Syohei Tanaka(@xcir)
File layout and configuration based on libvmod-example
- Copyright (c) 2011 Varnish Software AS
parse method based on VFW( )
url encode method based on