Deploy meteor applications to your own servers using SSH and SFTP. Pull and feature requests are encouraged.
This package will deploy your meteor application in a way to be able to rollback to a previous deployment. Basic filestructure is:
/<configured remote path>/<environment>/
<projectName>-<deployment timestamp>
<ProjectName> -> symlink to current deployment
<ProjectName-previous> -> symlink to previous deployment
npm install -g meteor-deploy
Imagine the following package.json:
"name": "MyCoolApp",
"version": "0.1.0",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"author": "azhwkd",
"deployConfig": {
"alpha": {
"remote" : "",
"port": "22",
"user": "myCoolSSHUser",
"cert": "/path/to/my/private/key",
"passphrase": "coolPass101",
"remotePath": "/path/where/my/apps/should/run",
"ref": "origin/alpha",
"runPort": "3000",
"rootUrl": "",
"mongoUrl": "mongodb://localhost:27017/meteor",
"mailUrl": "smtp://..."
The deployConfig node is the root of all evil. Under it there are so called environment nodes. For every environment you want to deploy to you can add a new object and so every environment can have its own server and credentials.
- remote The server you want to deploy to. Has to have an SSH server with SFTP subsystem.
- port (Optional) The port of your SSH server. Defaults to 22 if not declared otherwise.
- user The username to use for the SSH connection.
- cert The private key file for your SSH user.
- passphrase (Optional) Passphrase for your SSH cert. Only needed if your cert has one set.
- remotePath The absolute path on the server where you want to run the app.
- ref (Optional) a git reference in the form of [remote]/[branch]. The git HEAD will get reset to this reference. Defaults to the latest ref.
- runPort (Optional) If specified then this value will get passed to meteor in the PORT env var. Defaults to 3000
- rootUrl The url root of your application.
- mongoUrl (Optional) The connection string to your mongoDB. Defaults to mongodb://localhost:27017/meteor
- mailUrl (Optional) If your app uses mail you have to set this to a valid smtp uri.
Usage: meteor-deploy [options] [command]
rollback Rolls back to the last deployed version.
deploy Deploys the git repository to a remote server.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
--env <environment> Deploy to the provided environment.
--mrt Deploy using meteorite. Default false.
-f, --forever Attempt to start/restart the program on the server using forever.