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Combinatory logic

  • Combinatory logic is a "programming language".
  • It's theoretically as powerful as any other programming language.
  • It is a neat mathematical construction that captures some of the essence of what a program is.
  • It creates fun and puzzling programs.

What is combinatory logic?

Combinatory logic is a simple pure-functional model of computation similar to the λ-calculus. Its major differentiating feature is that it does not have quantified variables. Its basic "functions" are called combinators.


A combinator is n-ary, taking in n following terms and using them to produce a new combinatory logic expression, which is then substituted in place for it and the arguments. If it doesn't have the n required terms to perform the replacement it is considered fully simplified and its sub-expressions are checked for further simplification.

The three basic combinators

I x     => x
K x y   => x
S x y z => x z (y z)
  • I, K and S are 1-, 2- and 3-ary functions respectively

Grammar of combinatory logic

The grammar is provided here:

<outer-expr> ::= ε | <terms> | <cl-expr>
<cl-expr>    ::= '(' <terms> ')'
<terms>      ::= <atom/comb> | <cl-expr> | <atom/comb> <terms> | <cl-expr> <terms>
<atom/comb>  ::= <identifier>


  • Spaces between terms are mandatory.
  • ε is an empty string


  • outer-expr is the starting point of the parser.
  • cl-term is the recursive combinatory logic expression.
  • terms is a non-empty list of combinators, atoms and subexpressions.
  • atom/comb is either an atom or combinator.

When is it an atom and when is it a combinator?

An identifier is an atom by default, unless it is defined to be a combinator in the interpreter's environment.


  • identifier is a string of characters

Why is the outer expression different?

Ideally all combinatory logic expressions could just be fully parenthesized but it is convention that the outer expression does not have parentheses around it.

To achieve this one should remove the <terms> from the right-hand side of <outer-expr>.

About the implementation

  • Combinatory logic is turing-complete but that doesn't mean that it's particularly useful.
  • This implementation is the basic vanilla language and could be extended to be more useful.


  • Numbers could be implemented and arithmetic combinators could be made.
  • This also leads into the idea of typing combinatory logic as once you do that you now would have both number and string atoms.


  • The implementation here is pure and doesn't provide any IO.
  • IO can be added by having certain combinators perform side-effects.



This is a terminal program that one can type combinatory logic expressions into.

cargo run --bin comlogic-repl

Rust Library

cargo build --lib


cargo build --lib --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown

Note on wasm support

The wasm support is experimental, it requires that you have the wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed for rust. It also produces a large file because the combinators do allocations and use the standard library which adds overhead to the wasm file.


  • GPL v2
  • See LICENSE for more information


(mirror) A Combinatory Logic REPL







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