This service is designed and tested to be used on:
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Ansible
You need ansible installed via apt-get or pip:
# apt-get install ansible
# pip install ansible
You have setup AWS Varibales in the following YAML file.
ec2_access_key: xxxxxxxxxx
ec2_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
region: us-east-1
project_name: Pro-go
instance_type: t2.micro
web_count: 1
app_count: 2
keypair: "{{ project_name }}-key"
security_group: "{{ project_name }}-SG"
image: ami-2d39803a
To setup the Whole Stack Run Following command .
ansible-playbook go-env-setup.yml
Open URL on Browser
Hi there, I'm served from <Hostname of app server>