基于ffmpeg_kit_flutter的二次封装,每次都手动输命令真的很难受。。。 Based on the secondary encapsulation of ffmpeg_kit_flutter, it is really uncomfortable to manually input commands every time. . .
void videoEdit() {
VideoEditFactory videoEditFactory = new VideoEditFactory(
inputPath: 'The directory of the target video file to be edited');
// 获取媒体文件信息
videoEditFactory.getMediaInfo(executeCallback: (Session session) {
MediaInformationSession mediaInformationSession =
session as MediaInformationSession;
MediaInformation? mediaInformation =
File previewImage;
// 获取视频第一帧图片
// Get the first picture of the video
videoEditFactory.videoPreviewImage(executeCallback: (Session session) async {
await videoEditFactory
.then((value) => previewImage = value);
// 设置视频比特率
// Set video bit rate
// 设置视频帧数
// Set the number of video frames
// 设置输出文件的大小
// Set the size of the output file
// 设置输出格式
// Set output format
// 剪切视频指定区间(单位:秒)
// Cut video specified interval (unit: second)
..cutByTime(0, 20)
// 设置输出文件的宽高
// Set the width and height of the output file
..setOutputVideoSale(1080, 1920)
// 设置超时时间(仅限获取文件信息时生效)
// Set the timeout period (valid only when the file information is obtained)
// 设置输出文件名称
// Set the output file name
..setOutputName('output file name')
// 设置文件的输出目录
// Set the output directory of the file
..setOutputPath('the output directory of the file')
// 添加水印(图片文件,水印位置)
// Add watermark(Picture file, watermark location)
..setPictureWatermark(File('image path'), VideoOffset.topLeft());
File videoFile;
// 执行视频编辑命令
// Execute video editing commands
videoEditFactory.executeAsync(executeCallback: (Session session) async {
// 获取输出文件
// Get output file
await videoEditFactory
.then((value) => videoFile = value);