This is a tool that simulates a home security application. In this application you can add, delete, enable and disable sensor input, read the image from the camera, and enable and disable alarm accordingly. It was developed with Java Swing and tested with JUnit 5 on Ubuntu 20.04. It implements the following requirements:
- If alarm is armed and a sensor becomes activated, put the system into pending alarm status.
- If alarm is armed and a sensor becomes activated and the system is already pending alarm, set the alarm status to alarm.
- If pending alarm and all sensors are inactive, return to no alarm state.
- If alarm is active, change in sensor state should not affect the alarm state.
- If a sensor is activated while already active and the system is in pending state, change it to alarm state.
- If a sensor is deactivated while already inactive, make no changes to the alarm state.
- If the image service identifies an image containing a cat while the system is armed-home, put the system into alarm status.
- If the image service identifies an image that does not contain a cat, change the status to no alarm as long as the sensors are not active.
- If the system is disarmed, set the status to no alarm.
- If the system is armed, reset all sensors to inactive.
- If the system is armed-home while the camera shows a cat, set the alarm status to alarm.
git clone
mvn compile
mvn test
mvn install
java -jar security-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar