A curated list of awesome ocelot books, courses, trainings, conference talks, blogs and most inspiring open source contributors
- Github: https://github.com/ThreeMammals/Ocelot
- WebSite: http://threemammals.com/ocelot
- Docs:https://ocelot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Developing an Open Source API Gateway at Moonpig
- Designing and implementing API Gateways with Ocelot in .NET Core containers and microservices architectures
- Implement API Gateways with Ocelot
- Building API Gateway Using Ocelot In ASP.NET Core - Basic
- Building API Gateway Using Ocelot In ASP.NET Core - Authentication
- Building API Gateway Using Ocelot In ASP.NET Core - Logging
- Building API Gateway Using Ocelot In ASP.NET Core - Rate Limiting
- Building API Gateway Using Ocelot In ASP.NET Core - QoS (Quality of Service)
- Building API Gateway Using Ocelot In ASP.NET Core - Load Balancing
- Building API Gateway Using Ocelot In ASP.NET Core - Service Discovery (Eureka)
- Building API Gateway Using Ocelot In ASP.NET Core - Service Discovery (Consul)
- Microservices with IdentityServer4 and Ocelot Fronting a .NET Core API
- Ocelot简易教程
- Ocelot API网关的实现剖析
- 基于Ocelot的API网关实现--http/https协议篇
- 基于Ocelot的API网关Relay实现--RPC篇
- .NET Core微服务实战-统一身份认证 开篇及目录索引
- ASP.NET Core中Ocelot的使用:API网关的应用
- ASP.NET Core中Ocelot的使用:基于Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka的动态路由
- ASP.NET Core中Ocelot的使用:基于服务发现的负载均衡
- 常见跨域解决方案以及Ocelot 跨域配置
- ASP.NET Core Swagger接入使用IdentityServer4 的 WebApi
- 构建自己的简单微服务架构(开源)
- 让 Ocelot 与 asp.net core “共存”
- Ocelot - .Net Core开源网关
- 百亿流量微服务网关的设计与实现
- 重复造轮子系列——基于Ocelot实现类似支付宝接口模式的网关
- Extending Ocelot's QoS
- ocelot性能测试
- 为Ocelot集成Nacos注册中心
- Ocelot Extensions is the project containing some extension to the popular open-source API Gateway engine Ocelot
- This library makes ocelot easy to integrate swagger
- Ocelot + Consul 微服务合并swagger文档并可直接请求调试
- SwaggerHelper 工具是在使用 Ocelot 时,为了将多个微服务的 Swagger.json 文件进行合并,以方便在 API 网关中使用 Swagger 工具
- MMLib.SwaggerForOcelot contains swagger extension for ocelot
- Ocelot.JWTAuthorize is a JWT Authorize based on Ocelot API Gateway
- Ocelot.Security.AuthorizationToken.EntityFramework
- grpc service gateway used ocelot
- grpc service gateway used ocelot
- Repo for ZooKeeper integration with Ocelot
- Repo for Etcd integration with Ocelot
- Orleans can use Ocelot Api Gateway
- Ocelot 的配置工具
- A configuration editor for Ocelot
- Repo for EasyCaching integration with Ocelot
- A filter which allows a RESTful JSON API client to send requests to .NET web server over HTTP and get proxied to a gRPC service
- AppConfiguration provider brings the possibility to divide the routing configuration from the service address definition.
- Ocelot.Provider.Nacos
- Ocelot Graceful Load Balancer -- A Provider for Ocelot which provides a Round Robin Load Balancer with API Nodes Health Checking
- CodePlus.ApiGateway.Blazor-- 基于Ant Design Blazor 实现的服务器网关管理、监控框架
- FamilyBucket 集合.net core、ocelot、consul、eventbus、configserver、tracing、sqlsugar等构建的微服务一条龙应用示例
- Simple samples that use Ocelot to build API Gateway
- DMS将会是一个集中式的中间件框架,每一个小型中间件将会是完全独立的,如:gRPC,Thrift,netty,Wcf,Exceptionless,Ocelot,RabbitMQ,Redis,IdentityServer,Consul,Zookeeper等,Demo中会有每一个中间件的实例方便开发者了解
- 基于Consul + .NET Core + Polly + Ocelot + Exceptionless + IdentityServer等开源项目的微服务开发框架
- Ocelot使用案例,结合IdentityServer4进行鉴权,结合Consul进行服务治理
- 一个基于IdentityServer4和Ocelot的统一验证与授权ASP.NET Core微服务示例程序项目
- 基于ocelot扩展自定义网关
- ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web API Gateway Demo
- 集IdentityServer4,Ef Core,dapper,Policy,领域驱动设计,consul,zipkin,Swagger,Cap+RabbitMq,Ocelot网关一体的项目
- docker Ocelot Console Identityserver4
- 重写Ocelot配置文件获取方式从数据库中获取,并重写认证以及限流功能。可以针对每个客户端对每个API的访问进行限制
- ABP Microservice Demo Solution
- 基于Ocelot 和 ant-design-vue 后台框架
- Magicodes.Simple.Services
- Sales Module based on dockerized ASP.NET Core Web API, Ocelot Gateway, Azure Service Bus
- Web API for Pitch in a microservices architecture on containers
- Demo for a scenario where API is accessed through Ocelot gateway and Ocelot uses IdentityServer and Azure Ad for authentication
- Very simplified insurance sales system made in a microservices architecture using .NET Core
- MicroService.ApiGateway
- develop a payment platform that would allow you to make payment transactions thanks to the QR code, thereby reducing the human factor in customer service and allowing the system to be as autonomous as possible.
- MicroserviceDemo
- Hermes.Gateway--Hermes Gateway is Ocelot based gateway used for routing async & sync requests. It is also used to distribute async messages on Message Bus
- Adnc是一个轻量级的.Net Core微服务快速开发框架
- CodePlus.ApiGateway.Blazor --基于Ant Design Blazor + Ocelot 实现的服务器网关管理、监控框架
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl-NeEAb1WQ
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvj1g6dLAZw
- Ocelot Api Gateway with ASP.NET Core 2.1 and VS Code
- Tencent updates web and mobile payment infrastructure for better scalability and agility
- Microservices API Gateways — Ocelot for .NET Core + Video
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