For more examples about using PyFFF in Jupyter Notebook, see the ”notebooks/
” folder.
import fff
from fff.util import *
with fff.DiskImage('') as disk:
partitions = disk.volume.partitions
part = next(p for p in partitions if p.filesystem.fs_type == 'NTFS')
ntfs = part.filesystem
print(ntfs.mft.find(inode=5)) # Root Directory MFT Entry
print([e for e in ntfs.root.list() if e.is_allocated])
files = list([e for e in ntfs.root.list()
if e.is_allocated and e.is_file])
print([f.slack_space[:4] for f in files])
This project is not on PyPI. You need to build from the source code.
Python package python-magic requires additional library to be installed on Windows and macOS.
For macOS, it can be installed by ”brew install libmagic
For Windows, please check the python-magic project page.
# git clone
$ cd PyFFF
# Create a virtual environment
$ virtualenv -p python3 .
$ source bin/active
# Installing the dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Tests can be run using =nosetests=, however due to copy-right reason,
# the test data is not submitted.
# You can skip this step for now.
$ nosetests
# Create installation package
$ python sdist
# Build HTML documentation, skip if not needed
$ make -C docs html
# Deactivate the virtual environment
$ deactivate
# Install to user library
$ pip3 install dist/PyFFF-0.1.0.tar.gz --user
Documentation is available at
Contributions are welcome, however this project is still under active refactoring and many details haven’t settle down yet.
If you would like to submit a pull request, either fixing a bug or adding a new feature, please be minded that:
- Type annotation of mypy is required for new code.
- Test case should be added.
- Please make small commits. The pull request can be large.
- Try to make the code as clean as possible.
Comments should be written in NumPy style. See examples here.