This repository introduces an intact "building & crafting & tower-defense/siege" game with "remotely persisted profile" as well as "pull-based progress update management".
It supports a wide variety of features as shown in the intro videos listed below, yet not currently integrated into a single entry scene. If you find some features "too hidden to enable", please leave a message in Github issues.
It's strongly recommended that you start playing with this repository with the "frontend-only tower-siege game", i.e. at <proj-root>/frontend/assets/scenes/
We decided to open source this project due to lack of resource to maintain it, therefore new feature proposal, bug report or pull-request might not be handled in time -- and we'll try our best.
The database product to be used for this project is MySQL 5.7.
We use skeema for schematic synchronization under <proj-root>/database/skeema-repo-root/
which intentionally doesn't contain a .skeema
file. Please read this tutorial for more information.
You can use this node module (still under development) instead under Windows10
, other versions of Windows are not yet tested for compatibility.
The following command(s)
### Optional.
user@proj-root/database/skeema-repo-root> cp .skeema.template .skeema
user@proj-root/database/skeema-repo-root> skeema diff
is recommended to be used for checking difference from your "live MySQL server" to the latest expected schema tracked in git.
Before pushing to, say the "master" branch, you should be very careful about the preconfigured tables in SQLite. Mostly they're tables to be dumped into "MySQLServer tables with the same names" respectively, e.g. "SQLite table buildable
" will be dumped into "runtime MySQLServer table buildable
" upon server process(es) launch (using <proj-root>/battle_srv/env_tools/load_pre_conf.go
), and in turn loaded to instances of in-RAM model class Buildable
defined in <proj-root>/battle_srv/models/buildable
In a "clean commit", you should make sure that each table involved in ToSyncSQLFiles
is made "git-pullable", such that a colleague who pulls your commit is able to launch the server process(es) if he/she at least overwrites the runtime environment with all the ToSyncSQLFiles
of the current commit.
See for details.
On a product machine, you can install and manage MySQL
server by these scripts.
- It needs
which is generated bycd <proj-root>/battle_srv && cp -r ./configs.template ./configs
and necessary customization.
- It needs CocosCreator v2.2.1 to build.
- It needs
which is generated bycd <proj-root>/frontend/assets/plugin_scripts && cp conf.js.template conf.js
本游戏具备账号系统且主要注册方式为"Phonenum+SMSCaptcha",考虑到开发者和公司内部测试的需要,服务器将提供以下的"ServerEnv"s供在runtime of backend service按需采用。
user@proj-root/battle_srv> make run-prod
user@proj-root/battle_srv> make run-test
将允许使用“测试账号”,详见 说明。
user@proj-root/battle_srv> make run-anonymous-test
user@proj-root/battle_srv> make run-anonymous-prod
## 安装CompileDaemon,路径默认是$GOPATH/bin/CompileDaemon
user@proj-root/battle_srv> go get
user@proj-root/battle_srv> make run-test-and-hotreload
For clearing certain hardcoded test accounts (in <proj-root>/battle_srv/cli_scripts/player_test.go
), try the following one-liner.
For updatePlayerCookBinding started_work_at
test (in <proj-root>/battle_srv/cli_scripts/player_test.go
),now this script will update all playerCookBinding started_work_at
,if you want update one playerCookBinding started_work_at
,you can add WHERE("player_id": playerId)
at <proj-root>/battle_srv/cli_scripts/player_test.go
test UpdatePlayerCookBindingStartedWorkAt
For updatePlayerWallet gold,energy,daemon
test (in <proj-root>/battle_srv/cli_scripts/player_test.go
),this script will update playerId in scripts's playerIds ,if you want update your test player player_wallte
,you can add update at <proj-root>/battle_srv/cli_scripts/player_test.go
UpdatePlayerWallet() playerIds
user@proj-root/battle_srv> cp -r ./cli_scripts.template ./cli_scripts
## Then customize the parameters in ./cli_scripts/*.go for your convenience, e.g. the TestEnv player IDs.
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run DeletePlayer
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run InitKnapsack
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run InitKnapsackForExistedUser
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run IngredientProduce --args -cancel=true
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run IngredientProduce --args -cancel=false
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run SynthesizeToIngredientProgress --args -cancel=true
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run SynthesizeToIngredientProgress --args -cancel=false
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run SynthesizeToManuallyCollectableIngredientProgress --args -collect=true
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run SynthesizeToManuallyCollectableIngredientProgress --args -collect=false
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run MassiveCrafting
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run HqConcurrentQueues
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run SmsCaptchaLogin
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ServerEnv=TEST go test --count=1 -v server/cli_scripts -run WsConnectAttackFirstVictim
ErrFatal {"err": "MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about the error."}
You could consider setting
redis-cli> CONFIG SET stop-writes-on-bgsave-error NO
and restarting your redis-server
process if having persistnet redis snapshot is not necessary.
user@shell> go get
user@shell> db2struct -d cuisine --package models --t <table_name> --user <db_name> --password <db_passwd> --struct <struct_name> --sqlx --json
将json file转为golang的struct。
user@shell> go get
user@proj-root/battle_srv/common/> gojson -name constants -pkg common -input ./constants.json -o ./constants_struct.go
Due to possibly a bug in CocosCreator's custom building pipeline, after successfully building by the cmd above, you might have to manually add "/build/jsb-link/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/*" into the "XCode project virtual directory named Classes
". Refer to this note for screenshot demo.
Please read this note for details. I've removed the import of CAAgent
from <proj-root>/frontend/build-templates/jsb-link/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.ios_mac/ios/
, but you should follow the note to removed the dependence on libcocosanalytics.a
BEFORE building the archive.
Please make sure that you've removed <proj-root>/frontend/build/
thoroughly before rebuilding the project by a different CocosCreator version. Otherwise JSB2.0 module registration procedures will be contaminated and you might get symbols undefined (e.g. XMLHttpRequest
) upon launch.
- /battle_srv/configs/wechat.json
- /frontend/assets/plugin_scripts/conf.js
in the build panel, and then upload by the following command(s).
shell> scp -r ./frontend/build/wechatgame/res/* [email protected]:/var/www/html/MineralChem/wechat-game/res/
shell> rm -rf ./frontend/build/wechatgame/res/*
Either an overwhelming "count of HTTP requests" or a "single large file" will jam the download of resources at runtime. We can tune the balance in the building panel, please check/uncheck the followings.
- Inline all SpriteFrames
- We've already compressed the textures using TexturePacker, thus this field doesn't affect much.
- Merge all JSON that Start Scene
- Unchecking this field might result in too many "JSONIndexFile requests" (avoided by the approach stated below), whilst checking this field might result in a single large file.
- By loading the "WechatGameLogin" scene first, we want to be able to level & parallelize the time spent in downloading & parsing "JSONIndexFile(s)" among different scene.
- MD5 cache (√)
According to, "all files under the resources folder
, as well as any external file they depend on", will be written into "JSONIndexFile
s" after project being built (delivered only via the mainpackage
). To reduce the size of such "JSONIndexFile
s" for WechatGame
platform, we should put as few files under resources folder
as possible, e.g. for those to be called by cc.loader.loadRes(...)
shell> scp -r ./frontend/build/web-mobile/* [email protected]:/var/www/html/MineralChem/web-mobile/
7. Proactively refreshing the Redis cache of "GlobalConf" after modified the file "battle_srv/configs/global_conf"
The cold way.
# Stop the "battle_srv process" if you're going to delete the conf object in redis, otherwise the "battle_srv process" will go wrong.
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ./
user@proj-root> redis-cli
redis-cli@shell> DEL /cuisine/conf
redis-cli@shell> exit
user@proj-root/battle_srv> ./
The hot way.
user@proj-root> node proactively_update_global_conf_in_redis.js
In "CocosCreator v2.2", the extension i18n
is no longer needed and incompatible with the newer version, just delete <proj-root>/frontend/packages/i18n-master
- <proj-root/frontend> ./ bytedance
shell@proj-root> python ./frontend/uploader_scripts/ -d ./frontend/build/wechatgame/res/ --prefix="wechat-game" -a <MyAppKey> -s <MySecretKey>
shell@proj-root> rm -rf ./frontend/build/wechatgame/res/*