Fork is the fastest way to execute Android instrumentation test suites.
When running instrumentation tests, there is a significant time overhead for developers, especially on larger test suites. Existing solutions were not satisfactory for quick feedback before pushing code to VCS and for CI purposes.
We are big fans of Spoon and were using it for our plans, so we used it as our starting point. However, Spoon had similar issues to the Gradle and Maven test execution plugins, in the sense that it executes all tests on all of the connected devices (and emulators). We decided to tweak that naive scheduling to achieve much faster test execution.
We introduced the notion of pools of devices. These are now responsible for running a test suite instead of each device running the suite separately. That has two side effects:
- infinite scaling: your tests can speed up by as many devices and emulators as you can dedicate to your CI box.
- because test suites now get scheduled to run on a pool, not all tests will run on all devices. For that reason, we also introduced a way to create a pool per device, which offers full coverage (a.k.a. Spoon-mode) but typically takes longer, so we run it on a nightly basis. Fork works out-of-the-box, without any code changes.
There are two ways to run Fork with your builds.
First, you need to add a build-script dependency:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.shazam.fork:fork-gradle-plugin:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT'
Apply the Fork plugin
apply plugin: 'fork'
You're now done. You can enable smart pooling by adding runtime parameters (Pooling and other parameters section). If you had any instrumentation test tasks before, the plugin has added Fork tasks. You can verify by running:
gradlew tasks | grep fork
You can specify runtime configuration for Fork with the Fork DSL. Simply add a block to your build.gradle, e.g.,:
fork {
baseOutputDir "/my_custom_dir"
Property Name | Property Type | Default value |
baseOutputDir | File | "fork" |
testPackage | String | (Your instrumentation APK package) |
testClassRegex | String | "^((?!Abstract).)*Test$" |
testOutputTimeout | int | 60000 |
ignoreFailures | boolean | false |
fallbackToScreenshots | boolean | true |
Will potentially be unsupported, as it's the least developer friendly. Check out the Fork project and execute:
> gradlew fork-runner:run -Pargs='ARGUMENTS LIST'
With the below options. The APK and test APK parameters are mandatory:
--sdk Path to Android SDK. Defaults to the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
--apk Path to application. This parameter is required.
--test-apk Path to test application. This parameter is required.
--output Output path. Defaults to "fork-output"
--test-package The package to consider when finding tests to run. Defaults to instrumentation package.
--test-class-regex Regex determining class names to consider when finding tests to run. Defaults to ^((?!Abstract).)*Test$
--test-timeout The maximum amount of time during which the tests are allowed to not output any response, in milliseconds
--fail-on-failure Non-zero exit code on failure. Defaults to false.
--fallback-to-screenshots If a device does not support videos, define if you'd like animated GIFs (experimental). Defaults to true.
For example:
> gradlew fork-runner:run -Pargs='--apk /path/to/production.APK --test-apk /path/to/test.APK'
One of the most useful characteristics of the library is the way it creates the device pools. There are different options, to automatically create pools by API level, shortest width dimension and whether devices are self-described as tablets. On top of that, users can also manually create pools based on serial numbers, for maximum flexibility.
With either way of executing Fork (Gradle / standalone) you can specify how the pools are created by setting a combination of these environment variables:
One pooling option from:
- fork.tablet=(true|false) - to configure pools depending on their manufacturer's 'tablet' flag (
- fork.pool.POOL_NAME=(Serial','?) - to add devices with a given serial to a pool with given name,e.g. hdpi=01234567,abcdefgh
- fork.computed.STRATEGY=(PoolName=LowerBound','?) - to automatically create pools based on device characteristics, where
- STRATEGY:=sw - by smallest width, e.g.phablet=0,tablet=720
- STRATEGY:=api - by api, e.g. gingerbread_and_earlier=0,honeycomb_and_later=11)
- fork.eachdevice=(true|false) - to create a pool per device (a.k.a. Spoon mode). This is the default behaviour.
Any combination of other options from:
- android.test.classes=REGEX - comma separated regexes that specify a pattern for the classes/packages to run
- fork.excluded.serial=(Serial','?) - to exclude specific devices from running any tests
- - to specify a title for the generated report
- - to specify a subtitle for the generated report
- fork.test.size=(small|medium|large) - to run test methods with the corresponding size annotation
Note: The Fork runtime parameter android.test.classes
is applied after both the testClassRegex
and testPackage
filters have been applied.
A common case can be that you want to create two pools, one for phones & small tablets (7" and below) and one for large tablets. You could execute:
gradlew forkDebugTest -Dfork.computed.sw=phablets=0,tablets=720
The above will run tests on 2 pools, one named "phablets" and another called "tablets". The smallest width for the first pool will be 0 and for the latter 720 dpi.
(Example output to be provided)
- The scheduling still works on a single build box with ADB, so there still is a limit by how many devices & emulators can be simultaneously connected to ADB. Eventually, Fork could be tweaked to talk over HTTP with other build agents, that would then be connected to devices over ADB. That model would tie in nicely with multi-agent CI systems, like Jenkins.
Copyright 2015 Shazam Entertainment Limited.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.