A snake game written in python that utilizes the pygame library.
In order to contribute to this open source project repository, you must have Python installed (version 2.7 or higher). Once you have Python installed, install Pip for Python. After that install Pygame.
- Check your version of Python by entering the following in a terminal window/command-line or command prompt:
python --version
- To install Pip for Python enter the following in a terminal window/command-line or command prompt:
sudo apt install python-3 pip
- To install Pygame enter the following in a terminal window/command-line or command prompt:
pip install pygame
The final step is to change the snake.py file to have executable permission.
- In order to do this enter the following in a terminal window/command-line or command prompt:
chmod u+x snake.py
- Choose an issue you'd like to work on and make a comment on it.
- Fork the project repository.
- Commit changes you've made to the forked repository.
- Create a pull request with a brief description of the changes you made.
- If there are no merge conflicts and if the issue has been resolved, the pull request will be accepted.
- Please follow the PEP-8 Style Guide. You may use pycodestyle to conform to the PEP-8 Style Guide.