NFT History Logs is the Ethereum PHP API which connects to JSON RPC specs to get the desired logs of an nft contract address or specific nft with id on Ethereum Chain.
You could also use testnet like Ganache or Cloudflare ETH network.
composer require nfthistory/nfthistorylogs
require "vendor/autoload.php";
use Nft\History\nftHistory;
$contractAddress = "CONTRACT ADDRESS";
$provider = "http://localhost:8545";
$NftHistory = new nftHistory($contractAddress, $provider);
print_r($NftHistory );
// Output:
[contractAddress:protected] => contract address
[provider] => http://localhost:8545
the contract address and provider must be string type.
You can get and filter all transfer transactions of an specific nft by using Token ID. The majority of the NFT market provided this token ID, but if they did not, you could still obtain it on
$NftHistory->transferTrxById($tokenId, $fromBlock, $toBlock);
$tokenId must be string number, $fromBlock and $toBlock must be string of hex type (you could set "0x0" as a first block and "latest" as the final block)
you can filter transactions history based on transfer event.
$NftHistory->allTransferTrx($fromBlock, $toBlock);
$fromBlock and $toBlock must be string of hex type (you could set "0x0" as a first block and "latest" as the final block)
You can get all transfer information arranged and categorized by token ids. It returns an object.
You can get information of an specific transaction by passing transaction hash. it returns an Object. the trxHash variable is necessary.
You can get all transaction of an nft contract address without any filter. Be aware that most networks will throw an exception in this situation due to a limitation in log output. You must set a specific block number instead of "latest" for the $toBlock variable.
$NftHistory->allTrx($fromBlock, $toBlock);
You can get the information of receipt transaction by using this function. pass transaction hash to this function. it returns an object of transaction.
showing the top selling nfts to the lowest prices. be aware of rate limit of the destination server. $countRank is the numbers of the values you want to obtain. it is optional and must not exceed the numbers of tokens of an contract address. it must be in decimal format. $fromBlock and $toBlock are optional.
$NftHistory->topSellNfts($countRank, $fromBlock, $toBlock);
every transaction has a property called "data". this section is a hexadecimal number in Wei format. you must pass transaction hash to return an array of data. you can also filter by using $eventName. $eventName is optional.
$NftHistory->nftTrxWei($transactionHash, $eventName);
convert WEI values of token to Ether format _ if its hex format, will be converted to decimal.
You could also get a 256-bit hashed event signature. event signatures supported at this time: "Transfer" , "Approval" and "ApprovalForAll".
event name could be this 3 option as string type: "Transfer" , "Approval" and "ApprovalForAll"
if you get specific nft transaction and you want identify the sender address of the transaction, pass transaction hash. $eventName is optional:
$NftHistory->fromAddress($trxHash, $eventName);
If you receive a specific nft transaction and want to identify the recipient address, pass transaction hash. $eventName is optional:
$NftHistory->toAddress($trxHash, $eventName);
I assume you have topics for desired transaction objects and you want to know the tokenid of an nft.
The Genesis Block is the birth block of an nft. so:
this library is tested on php version 8.1, to test it just try this command:
docker-compose up
If you are interested in contributing to this project, I will be very glad ^__^
You can get in contact with me by: