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Benchmarking TCP Proxies written in different languages: C, CPP, Rust, Golang, Java, Python

eugene-retunsky edited this page Feb 27, 2021 · 8 revisions

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TL;DR; you can jump right to Benchmarks and look into methodology later.

Types of load

There are three types of load to compare different aspects of TCP proxies:

  • moderate load - 25k RPS (requests per second). Connections are being re-used for 50 requests.
    • In this mode, we benchmark handling traffic over persisted connections.
    • Moderate request rate is chosen to benchmark proxies under normal conditions.
  • max load - sending as many requests as the server can handle.
    • The intent is to test the proxies under stress conditions.
    • Also, we find the max throughput of the service (the saturation point).
  • no-keepalive - using each connection for a single request
    • So we can compare the performance characteristics of establishing new connections.
    • Establishing a connection is an expensive operation.
    • It involves resource allocation and dispatching tasks between worker threads.
    • As well as clean-up operations once a connection is closed.

Compared metrics

To compare different solutions, we use the following set of metrics:

  • Latency (in microseconds, or µs)
    • p50 (median) - a value that is greater than 50% of observed latency samples
    • p90 - 90th percentile, or a value that is better than 9 out of 10 latency samples. Usually a good proxy for a perceivable latency by humans.
    • Tail latency - p99 - 99th percentile, the threshold for the worst 1% of samples.
    • Outlier-latencies: p99.9 and p99.99 - may be important for systems with multiple network hops or large fan-outs (e.g., a request gathers data from tens or hundreds of microservices)
    • max - the worst-case.
    • tm99.9 - trimmed mean, or the mean value of all samples without the best and worst 0.1%. It is more useful than the traditional mean, as it removes a potentially disproportionate influence of outliers:
    • stddev - the standard deviation of the latency. The lower, the better:
  • Throughput rps (requests per second)
  • CPU utilization
  • Memory utilization

We primarily focus on the latency and keep an eye on the cost of that latency in terms of CPU/Memory. For the max load, we also assess the maximum possible throughput of the system.

Trimmed mean vs median

Why do we need to observe trimmed mean if we already have median (i.e. p50)? p50 (or percentiles in general) may not necessarily capture performance regressions. For instance:

  • 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 - p50 is 5, trimmed mean is 5
  • 5,5,5,5,5,6,7,8,9,10 - p50 is still 5, however the trimmed mean is 6.25.

The same applies to any other percentile. If the team only uses p90 or p99 to monitor their system's performance, they may miss dramatic regressions without being aware of that.

Of course, we may use multiple fences (p10, p25, etc.) - but why, if we can use a single metric? In contrast, the traditional mean is susceptible to noise and outliers and not as good for capturing the general tendency.

Compared configurations

These benchmarks compare TCP proxies written in different languages, which use Non-blocking I/O. Why TCP proxies? This is the simplest application dealing with the network I/O. All it does is connection establishment and forward traffic. Why Non-blocking I/O? You can read this post, which tries to demonstrate why Non-blocking I/O is a much better option for network applications.

Let's say you're building a network service. TCP proxy benchmarks are the lower boundary for the request latency it may have. Everything else is added on top of that (e.g., parsing, validating, packing, traversing, construction of data, etc.).

So the following solutions are being compared:

Thanks to Cesar Mello who coded the TCP proxy in C++ to make this benchmark possible.


Benchmarking network services is tricky, especially if we need to measure differences down to microseconds granularity. To rule out network delays/noise, we can try to employ one of the options:

  • use co-located servers, e.g., VMs on the same physical machine or in the same rack.
  • use a single VM, but assign CPU cores to different components to avoid overlap

Both are not ideal, but the latter seems to be an easier way. We need to make sure that the instance type is CPU optimized and won't suffer from noisy-neighbor issues. In other words, it must have exclusive access to all cores as we're going to drive CPU utilization close to 100%.

E.g., if we use an 8-core machine, we can use the following assignment scheme:

  • Cores 0-1: Nginx (serves 10kb of payload per request)
  • Cores 2-3: TCP proxy
  • Cores 4-7: perf-gauge - the load-generator.

This can be achieved by using cpu sets:

apt-get install cgroup-tools

Then we can create non-overlapping CPU-sets and run different components without competing for CPU and ruling out any network noise.


perf-gauge can emit metrics to Prometheus. To launch a stack, you can use I just forked prom-stack and removed anything but prometheus, push-gateway and grafana. You can clone the stack and launch make.

Then set the variable with the host, for instance:



Please note that we disable logging for all configurations to minimize the number of variables and the level of noise.


Okay, we finally got to benchmark results. All benchmark results are split into two batches:

  • Baseline, C, C++, Rust - comparing high-performance solutions
  • Rust, Golang, Java, Python - comparing memory-safe languages

Yep, Rust belongs to both worlds.