Service is based on JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol over WebSocket transport unlike original JSON-RPC.
- connections are not stateless;
- field
is not used while message exchanging.
id -> string
get connection uuid;authenticate [ token ] -> boolean
connection authentication;room/open [ name, p2p ] -> boolean
create room;room/close -> boolean
close room;room/enter [ name ] -> boolean
enter room;room/leave -> boolean
leave room;room/offer [ offerSdp ] -> answerSdp
send SDP offer and get SDP response as a result;peer/restart -> boolean
reinitialize remote WebRTC point to create new connection.
user/alias [ name ]
setting user nickname;user/mode [ value ]
setting mode of data streaming (audio/video);room/text [ text ]
sending messages to the room chat;room/ice-candidate [ candidate ]
sending ICE candidate.
offer [ offerSdp ] -> answerSdp
sending SDP offer end getting SDP response as a result;restart -> boolean
reinitialize remote WebRTC point to create new connection.
ice-candidate [ candidate ]
sending ICE candidate;room/contacts [ contact-list ]
refresh contacts list in the room;room/text [ text, contact ]
message from the text chat;room/destroy
room closed.
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
server is avaliable