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EDA tool for characterizing the metastability resolution time constant (Tau) of bistable circuits


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This is a command line tool to calculate the metastability resolution time constant (Tau) of a latch/arbiter/flip-flop circuit. It's based on Octave (a GNU Matlab clone) and ngspice (an open-source version of spice).

For background information on metastability, MTBF calculations and the bisection process used to calculate Tau, refer to the paper:

  • Jones, Ian W., Suwen Yang, and Mark Greenstreet. "Synchronizer behavior and analysis." Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, 2009. ASYNC'09. 15th IEEE Symposium on. IEEE, 2009.

The tool uses bisection search to find the tipping point between an early and a late input transition times of a bistable circuit. In each bisection round the design is brought into a deeper metastable state and its output delay is calculated. After 50 rounds the tool fits an exponential function to the window size (the time difference between input transition and the tipping point) and output delay data measured during bisection. The fit is then used to calculate the MTBF parameters Tau and Tw of the characterized circuit.


First, install the dependencies Octave and ngspice. For Ubuntu and apt-based linux distros run:

sudo apt-get install octave
sudo apt-get install ngspice

Then either clone this repo by executing:

git clone

or download the source code to your machine manually.

Quick Demo

Navigate to the tool directory and run:

./bisect-tau bisect examples/latch.cir

This will run bisection on an example latch circuit that is provided with the tool. During bisection the tool will produce a figure (like the below) showing the superimposed plots of the circuit outputs q and qn as the circuit is pushed into deeper metastability.

Metastable Waveforms

This will take few minutes to complete. Once done, run the command:

./bisect-tau calculate

The tool will now fit an exponential relationship to the input window size and output delay data collected during bisection. It will produce an output plot of the data, the exponential fit and print out the calculated values of the parameters Tau and Tw:

Exponential Fit


Tau = 2.519e-11 sec
Tw  = 1.548e-12 sec

Follow the guidelines in the following sections to learn how to use with tool to characterize your own circuits.

Calculating Tau for your Design

There are four basic steps to calculate Tau for your spice bistable circuit:

1. Preparing the DUT

The Design under Test (DUT) (latch/flip-flop/arbiter circuit) must be a spice sub-circuit with the input ports: reset, clk and d and output ports: q and qn as shown in the diagram below.

Example 1

The outputs q and qn indicate the logical state of the DUT (logic high when q > qn and logic low otherwise).

The DUT can be either a level or an edge-sensitive device and must behave in the following way:

  1. When reset is pulled high, the DUT must transition to logic low.

  2. When reset is low and clk is pulled high (or at a low-to-high transition of clk for edge-sensitive devices) the DUT must transition to the state indicated by d.

A minumum definition of the DUT would be something like:


	* dut components and their connections defined here

.ENDS mydut

Note: ports don't need to be defined in order and are case insensitive.

Spice circuits are part of the backend of cell libraries and can usually be used with the tool with little to no modification.

After locating the spice sub-circuit definition for the latch (or bistable) design to be characterized, an instance of the design must be declared in a wrapper spice file. The wrapper must:

  1. Define any design dependencies (e.g. transistor models)
  2. Define the supply voltage
  3. Instantiate the design naming its ports reset, clk, d, q and qn

For example:

* include transistor models:

.include "./mydut/modelcard.nmos"
.include "./mydut/modelcard.pmos"

* include definition of cell latchx1:

.include "./mydut/latchx1.cir"

* specify supply voltage in volts:

.param vdd_voltage 	= 1

* instantiate latchx1 with the required port names:

x1 D Q QN CLK RESET latchx1

For details on defining sub-circuits refer to Ngspice Users Manual - Section 2.4 (".SUBCKT Subcircuits").

The directory examples contains sample latch files that can be inspected or used to test run the tool.

2. Running Checks

After preparing the spice wrapper file that instantiates the design, its reset and latching behavior must be verified by running:

./bisect-tau check mydut.cir

where mydut.cir is the wrapper spice file. This will simulate the design using two testbenches to verify that it's behaving in a correct way and can be used in bisection search.

Case 1

In the first test, the design is initially reset and then stimulated with non-overlapping high states of clk and d. Since clk and d do not overlap, the design must retain its post-reset state (i.e. logic low) until the end of the simulation. The test will fail if the design does not reset or is by other means found to be in a logic high state when the simulation ends.

This test may also fail if ngspice terminates with a non-zero exit code. In this case the tool will output both stdout and stderr of ngspice to enable the user to debug their spice circuit.

Example 1

Case 2

Here the design is stimulated with clk and d signals that have overlapping high states. The design is now expected to be in a logic high state when the simulation ends, otherwise the test will fail.

Example 2

3. Running Bisection

Once the behavior of the design is verified by running the tests above, run:

./bisect-tau bisect mydut.cir

This will start bisection search to find the tipping point between test cases 1 and 2. In test case 1, the high-to-low transition of d at 4ns was before the rising edge of clk at 5ns so the design remained in a logic low state. On the other hand, the transition of d in test case 2 was at 6ns (after the rising edge of clk) and so the design transitioned to logic high. Within the interval [4ns, 6ns] lies the tipping point separating logic high and low and approaching this point will make the circuit take longer to decide which logical state to settle to. The tool will vary the transition time of d to bring the design closer to this point and measure the corresponding increase in its output delay. During this process, the tool will output a trace similar to the below:

checking if ngspice is installed ... pass
checking if dut file exists ... pass
checking DUT behavior (test Case 1) ... pass
checking DUT behavior (test Case 2) ... pass
All checks passed successfully
starting bisection ...
round ( 1/50), window size = 1.00e-08 sec, settling time = Inf sec
round ( 2/50), window size = 5.00e-09 sec, settling time = Inf sec
round ( 3/50), window size = 2.50e-09 sec, settling time = 5.05e-09 sec
round ( 4/50), window size = 1.25e-09 sec, settling time = 5.05e-09 sec
round ( 5/50), window size = 6.25e-10 sec, settling time = 5.05e-09 sec
round ( 6/50), window size = 3.13e-10 sec, settling time = 5.05e-09 sec
round ( 7/50), window size = 1.56e-10 sec, settling time = 5.05e-09 sec
round ( 8/50), window size = 7.81e-11 sec, settling time = 5.05e-09 sec
round ( 9/50), window size = 3.91e-11 sec, settling time = 5.05e-09 sec
round (10/50), window size = 1.95e-11 sec, settling time = 5.05e-09 sec
round (11/50), window size = 9.77e-12 sec, settling time = 5.05e-09 sec
round (12/50), window size = 4.88e-12 sec, settling time = 5.06e-09 sec
round (13/50), window size = 2.44e-12 sec, settling time = 5.10e-09 sec
round (14/50), window size = 1.22e-12 sec, settling time = 5.07e-09 sec
round (15/50), window size = 6.10e-13 sec, settling time = 5.11e-09 sec
round (16/50), window size = 3.05e-13 sec, settling time = 5.12e-09 sec
round (17/50), window size = 1.53e-13 sec, settling time = 5.13e-09 sec
round (18/50), window size = 7.63e-14 sec, settling time = 5.15e-09 sec
round (19/50), window size = 3.81e-14 sec, settling time = 5.17e-09 sec
round (20/50), window size = 1.91e-14 sec, settling time = 5.19e-09 sec
round (21/50), window size = 9.54e-15 sec, settling time = 5.20e-09 sec
round (22/50), window size = 4.77e-15 sec, settling time = 5.23e-09 sec
round (23/50), window size = 2.38e-15 sec, settling time = 5.23e-09 sec
round (24/50), window size = 1.19e-15 sec, settling time = 5.29e-09 sec
round (25/50), window size = 5.96e-16 sec, settling time = 5.25e-09 sec

If bisection is progressing correctly then window size will shrink by a factor of 2 and settling time will increase slightly on each round (although not at the beginning or very end of the process).

A waveform window will also appear and show plots of q and qn as the design is pushed into deeper metastable states.

4. Calculating Tau

Once bisection is complete, run:

./bisect-tau calculate

This will pull out simulation traces from the bisection procedure ran last and print the calculated values of Tau and Tw:


Tau = 2.519e-11 sec
Tw  = 1.548e-12 sec

Close figure window to exit.

For a quick sanity check, the tool will also produce a semi-log plot of window size vs. settling time. If everything went correctly, there will be a clear straight line segment showing the exponential relationship from which Tau and Tw were calculated.

Using Vagrant

Since bisect-tau requires octave which itself has a lot of dependencies it may be more convenient to run bisect-tau through Vagrant. Vagrant is a software virtualization tool built on top on VirtualBox that makes it possible to setup a pre- configured virtual machine with just few commands. This repo contains a Vagrantfile with the required configuration to prepare an Ubuntu 14.04 box with ngspice and octave installed, ready to use bisect-tau.

Make sure you have both VirtualBox and Vagrant installed then execute:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

and once inside the virtual machine:

cd /vagrant
./bisect-tau bisect examples/latch.cir

After finishing with the tool you can log off and then run vagrant destroy to turn off and delete the virtual machine (this will remove any files created on the machine, unless they were stored in /vagrant which is a mapping of the current directory on the host machine).


EDA tool for characterizing the metastability resolution time constant (Tau) of bistable circuits








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